Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2023 Nominee

Internet Radio for Diversity

Caring diversity by Internet radio


Since 2021 Radio Katolikana—an internet community radio developed by Katolikana Media—has been organizing live talk shows ‘Merawat Kebhinekaan (Caring Diversity) program, regularly once a week.

This program can be accessed via internet radio website ( or application ( and YouTube platform ( The archive of the program can be accessed via

‘Merawat Kebhinekaan’ aims of sharing and strengthening Indonesia’s diversity, in terms of religion, local beliefs, customs, ethnicity, art, language, environment and ideas.

The speakers are leaders or activists of communities, organizations and individuals who practice diversity in various fields and tends to be marginalized in society and the media including women, children, and people with disabilities and those in remote areas of Indonesia.

The results achieved from this program are the establishment of communication networks with communities, organizations and individuals who have practices and knowledge about diversity and the dissemination of this view to the public.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C9. Media 2023
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Indonesia



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Women
  • People with disabilities


This project is replicable because we only need three things: (1) hardware (PC/laptop, microphone/headset, internet server, internet connection, radio web; (2) software for operating radio program (Mixxx, Radio Boss, etc); and (3) orgware (people or community of people for organizing the program).


This project will be sustainable because it needs less money/resources. As digital community radio, we do not need much money to invest to Internet radio. People and staffs are coming from everywhere, it is not limited to specifict area or region. By this system, we organized ‘Merawat Kebhinekaan’ program in Radio Katolikana since 2021 and it is still running until now.

WSIS values promotion

WSIS has common desire and commitment to build a people-centred, inclusive and development-oriented Information Society. It is inline with the aims of Merawat Kebhinekaan: sharing and strengthening Indonesia’s diversity, in terms of religion, local beliefs, customs, ethnicity, art, language, environment and ideas.

Entity name

Radio Katolikana (RK)

Entity country—type

Indonesia Civil Society

Entity website