Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2024 Nominee

From Homemakers to Techmakers: Igniting Women's Digital Potential with the Digital Jobs PH Technical Training (DJPH) Program


Traditionally confined to homemaking roles, women in Western Mindanao, the Philippines, now experience a transformative shift, thanks to the Digital Jobs PH Technical Training (DJPH) program. Spearheaded by the Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT), the program provides women with opportunities to pursue careers in ICT and to step into the digital landscape with confidence.

Since 2017, over 400 women have undergone technical training on social media marketing, graphic design, and website development to position them for career opportunities, increased income stream, and professional advancement. From training to employment, the women graduates are further nurtured and guided in their journey with initiatives from the DICT geared towards sustaining the growth of ICT-enabled industries – the free public Wi-fi program, co-working spaces, and industry events such as the Philippine Online Freelance Conference.

As a whole, the DJPH program takes a holistic approach to empowering women in digital spaces. With these policies, the program addresses skill development needs and provides the necessary infrastructure for the sustained success of women in Western Mindanao, one click at a time.

Project website

Action lines related to this project
  • AL C4. Capacity building 2024
  • AL C7. E-employment
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth

  • Asia and Pacific



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Women


With increasing access to the internet and the changing labor standards and practices (work-from-home, telecommutes, etc), digital jobs and freelancing are fast becoming viable options for sustainable livelihood and employment. More and more women are taking to the digital sphere for employment opportunities as breadwinners or to augment the family income. Coupled with the DICT’s strong support for capacity building for digital skills, and establishing digital transformation centers (DTC) and free Wifi services, the DJPH program provides a compelling model for replication in any setting and can be furthered pursued both on a face-to-face and online bases to reach more remote communities and to cater to even more sectors such as the youth, PWD, students, and others.

In fact, the Department is already undertaking the expansion of these programs to other areas. By sharing effective practices and providing necessary resources, the government can catalyze a nationwide wave of new programs that will empower women in diverse fields, ultimately contributing to greater equality and progress for all.


The Philippines, as an ITU council member, has committed to promote gender equality through ICT empowerment for women. The DJPH Program is backed by the DICT, thus ensuring its sustainability and longevity. As stated earlier, the program is further sustained by complementary policies and initiatives which look into the overall development of the ICT industry and landscape in the country, leading towards a more connected Philippines. As trends and practices in the digital landscape are ever-changing, there will always be a need for capacity building programs for technical digital skills and competencies, as well as the need for upskilling programs for the labor force to remain competitive.

The program likewise actively forges partnerships with Local Government Units to jointly organize training sessions, ensuring a collaborative and sustainable approach. This network enhances impact and establishes a foundation for long-term success, emphasizing the commitment to empowering women in ICT.

Since its launch in 2017, the DJPH Program has consistently provided support to more than 400 women who have successfully completed various training courses, underscoring the lasting effects of this initiative. This aligns seamlessly with DICT's mission to provide access for every Filipino to vital ICT infrastructure and services.

Through regular monitoring and assessment, these programs continually evolve, enhancing their adaptability and leaving an indelible mark on women's engagement in ICT professions. Majority of the graduates have found jobs online and are now successful online workers. Their lasting impact paves the way for an inclusive and empowered future, not just for women but for the entire Western Mindanao community.

WSIS values promotion

By fostering gender equality initiatives such as the Digital Jobs Technical Training, this project empowers women in Western Mindanao to actively engage in the digital economy. It champions capacity building by providing essential ICT skills and platforms for expression, fostering community collaboration among women in ICT, and emphasizing sustainability through continual support, evaluation, and adaptability. The project embodies WSIS principles of leveraging information and communication technology for inclusive development and empowerment within the community.

Entity name

Department of Information and Communications Technology (DICT)

Entity country—type

Philippines Government

Entity website