Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2024 Nominee

Virtual world for All

Module 1 "Sensitivity towards people with disabilities" Module 2 "Online safety explained easily".


The project consists of two types of activities:
a) building awareness and sensitivity to the requirements of people with special needs, including those with disabilities, among the youngest (preschool and early elementary school children)
b) educational activities concerning online safety, dedicated to people with intellectual disabilities and those with the autism spectrum disorders
The goal of the first activity is to raise awareness among children about the different needs of people with disabilities and savoir-vivre in contact with people with disabilities. During the workshops we show alternative ways of communication (e.g. sign language for the Deaf - Deaf as a linguistic and cultural minority) and the use of various supporting technologies (video interpreter; screen readers ; induction loop). The workshops are attended by a person with a disability, so participants can ask questions: how a person performs an activity, if and how a deaf person uses the phone. The children break down their barriers to interact with people with disabilities.
The aim of the second activity is to increase online safety for children and young people with special needs, particularly those with the autism spectrum disorders and with intellectual disabilities. Like their peers, they spend time online, have social media accounts where they post photos, play games, and make friends. Both of these groups of people, like all other users, might become target to cyber-bullying. Unfortunately, they are often unaware of the dangers, and this is due to the scarcity of educational materials adapted to their cognitive abilities. The classes are scheduled in a series of four stationary meetings. This gives the instructor and participants a chance to get to know each other and build mutual trust, which is very important when working with such groups. In addition, the facilitator can adapt the way the classes are conducted to the individual needs. This is very important for people with intellectual disabilities and neuroatypical people.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4. Capacity building 2024
  • AL C5. Building confidence and security in use of ICTs
  • AL C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content
  • AL C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Mazovian and Lodz Voivodships, Poland



Start date

May 2023

End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • People with disabilities
  • pre-school children


The project is easily replicable, as it is based on two pillars: human and substantive. If there is interest and demand with adequate human resources provided and once the content is prepared and adjusted, the project could be implemented throughout Poland or Europe. The essence of the project is to build awareness and sensitivity in the widest possible audience, regardless of the region of Poland or the place of residence. Currently, the project is being implemented locally, in the Mazovian and Lodz Voivodeships, but our target is to cover the whole territory of Poland. The scenarios of the workshops prepared by a specialized organization, take into account age and type of disability, are provided with complete handouts, which ensure easy replicability of the project.


The project is sustainable at the organizational level due to implementation in partnership allowing optimal use of capacity and know-how from NGOs and self-advocates. The project is also sustainable at the social level as it contributes to supporting equal opportunities and includes activities for people with disabilities, as well as advocacy activities for the community of people with special needs.

WSIS values promotion

The project is in line with the values of the information society and promotes them among the target groups as the essence of the project is to support equal opportunities in a world that is developing increasingly rapid digitalization. People with the autism spectrum disorders and those with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to cyber threats and face difficulties in using digital tools since there is a visible shortage of educational materials and methodologies tailored to their needs and abilities. By undertaking educational activities in these groups, we promote values such as awareness of the digital environment, equality, inclusiveness as well as exercise skills to ensure safe and secure use of the digital environment and openness to human diversity/neuroatypicality. The project will contribute to the reduction of digital exclusion in the target groups, thus achieving one of the core goals of the Information Society, which is to fight against poverty and provide educational opportunities for people regardless of their place of residence, identity, origin and status.

Entity name

Office of Electronic Communications (UKE)

Entity country—type

Poland Government

Entity website


a) The Digital Dialogue Association /Polish name: Stowarzyszenie Cyfrowy Dialog/ b)b) The Club of Conscious Young People at the Autism Team Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Club of Consious Young People/Polish name: Klub Świadomej Młodzieży działający przy Fundacji Autism Team/ c) c) The Occupational Therapy Workshops operating at the Polish Association of the Deaf branch in Lodz - (hereinafter refrred to as the Occupation Therapy Workshops )/Polish name: Warsztaty Terapii Zajęciowej działające przy Polskim Związku Głuchych oddział Łódzki/