Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2024 Nominee

Mada Academy


Mada Center delivers training and capacity-building services via Mada Academy.
Mada Academy is an initiative recently launched by Mada Center toward empowering people and institutions, through providing engaging and inspiring inclusive training and capacity development for all, as well as supporting open and inclusive digital education IDE services, in compliance with the national and UN framework, in particular the CRPD article 9 about accessibility and article 24 about education, as well as the SDG 4 about quality education for all.
Mada Academy serves as a center of excellence in training, professional development, and lifelong learning for all, including learners with disabilities. The academy works to promote open and inclusive digital education opportunities, and provides quality accessible online and blended training courses, as well as face-to-face training workshops, in a wide range of cutting-Edge topics, with a focus on information and communication technologies (ICTs) accessibility, assistive technology, and inclusive education.

Project website

Action lines related to this project
  • AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4. Capacity building 2024
  • AL C7. E-learning
  • AL C11. International and regional cooperation
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 10: Reduced inequalities

  • Qatar



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Older persons
  • People with disabilities
  • The unemployed
  • 1) Educators (teachers) 2) Students with disabilities 3) Professionals in the education sector 4) Individuals in the community sector 5) Individuals in the employment sector 6) ICT accessibility professionals 7) Learners interested in inclusive ICT practices 8) The global community of learners and educators


The use of ICT applications, e-learning platforms, and international/regional cooperation can be adapted and replicated in other contexts and regions. The project's focus on providing inclusive digital education and capacity-building opportunities can be customized according to the needs and priorities of different communities and target populations.


The Mada Academy project demonstrates several characteristics that suggest it is sustainable. It aligns with global initiatives, indicating its commitment to broader goals and objectives beyond its immediate scope. The project's emphasis on accessibility standards and educational goals showcases a clear focus on meeting specific needs and making a lasting impact. Additionally, the academy's diversified training modalities and partnerships with varied stakeholders indicate a comprehensive approach to address different aspects of the project. These factors collectively position the project well for long-term success and continued positive outcomes.

WSIS values promotion

Mada Academy, part of Mada Center's initiatives, strongly aligns with WSIS values by prioritizing inclusive education and digital accessibility. Collaborating with key stakeholders in Qatar and globally, the academy ensures an inclusive education system. Qatar's top ranking in the Digital Accessibility Rights Evaluation Index (DARE) reflects its commitment. Mada's response to the global shortage of ICT-AID courses includes the Mada ICT-AID Competency Framework, featured on OER Commons. This framework guides education and fosters accessibility competencies. Collaborations with the Ministry of Education and universities demonstrate efforts to integrate digital accessibility courses. The launch of the "Mada ICT-AID OER Hub" centralizes accessible resources globally, promoting inclusive practices with over 30 shared resources in 2023. Mada Academy actively contributes to WSIS values by championing inclusive education and digital accessibility.

Entity name

Qatar Assistive Technology Center (Mada) (Mada Center)

Entity country—type

Qatar Government

Entity website