Project Details

AI Repository Project

WSIS Prizes Contest 2024 Nominee

Kafaa Operational Excellence Platform


Kafaa (Efficiency) is a platform created in collaboration between ADQCC and G42 Healthcare. This platform was built to visualize data and measure operational excellence.
The key pillars of this platform aim to enhance services, operation, and employee efficiency by:
- Improving operational efficiency
- Reducing operation costs
- Increase operation speed
- Maintaining and enhancing the quality of operation
The platform is and interactive internal dashboard between the 2 entities, measuring strategic and operational key performance indicators (KPIs) been designed in the platform and using data of Central Testing laboratories to measure and track operations. It visualizes internally the results of services provided to stakeholders and can track all activities from service registration to issuing report. It also contains sub-dashboards for each external stakeholders who is using Central testing laboratories services. these stakeholders have access to these sub-dashboards to follow up their samples, services and track it live.

Project website



Action lines related to this project
  • AL C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • AL C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • AL C4. Capacity building
  • AL C6. Enabling environment
  • AL C7. E-government
  • AL C7. E-science 2024
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being
  • Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

  • Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates



Start date


End date

Not set


It is a live platform depends on data created and generated by Central Testing Laboratories on all services provided and all Internal activities. it is automated from LIMS system from modules built in the system and been visualized in the platform in terms of KPIs (service KPIs, Revenues, cost, etc.), data, employee targets and Operational objectives, inventory lists, etc.
LIMS contains different modules created specifically for Central Testing laboratories. These modules been connected directly in the platform in different tailored dashboards visualizing all needed data and Information.
All data are stored on cloud and local servers.

WSIS values promotion

Kafaa Platform can promote WSIS values as it emphasizes the sustainability as it measures many KPIs internally and externally with stakeholders. Visualization of data and KPIs will help to study the trend and predict and make forecast based on available data and baseline. This is an inclusive platform created between QCC and G42 healthcare as partner to measure the performance of the partnership through KPIs according to partnership contract and agreement. Kafaa platform emphasizes the innovative aspects by leveraging technology used in Central Testing laboratories like equipment and system (LIMS) to create a clear visualized dashboard internally and externally. This platform also build capacity and contribute to build capacity and lowering cost. It empowers responsible team to set their KPIs, measure it and trend it by utilizing information and technologies effectively, supporting digital initiatives and skills development.

Entity name

Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (ADQCC)

Entity country—type

United Arab Emirates Government

Entity website


G42 Healthcare in Abu Dhabi