Project Details

AI Repository Project

WSIS Prizes Contest 2024 Nominee

"Agricultural Traceability Chain" - 5G+ Blockchain Traceability Platform for Agricultural Specialty Products


"Agricultural Traceability Chain" is a trustworthy and high-value agricultural product traceability + authenticity + marketing platform based on blockchain, which can record the real data of the entire production process of agricultural products on the immutable blockchain, provide high-value traceability information, promote commodity marketing, and help consumers, businesses, and governments benefit.
"Agricultural Traceability Chain" enhances the user's sense of gain. It helps consumers easily and confidently buy agricultural products, helps agricultural products enterprises effectively control the supply chain, helps commodity marketing, helps the government to implement regulatory behavior, realizes the high-quality development of regional agriculture, promotes the virtuous circle of regional economic ecology, and implements the national "rural revitalization" strategy.
"Agricultural Traceability Chain" has improved the effectiveness of social governance. Relying on the unified management of the platform, the integration of resources and forces, unified standards, to achieve the high-quality development of regional agriculture, promote the development of regional agriculture, promote rural revitalization, and achieve the ultimate goal of common prosperity.
"Agricultural Traceability Chain" brings economic benefits to agricultural products enterprises. It is estimated that the platform can increase the income of about 2.175 million yuan for agricultural products enterprises every year, and it has built regional characteristic agricultural products brands and helped the development of regional economy. It cracks down on counterfeit products and achieves the sound development of economic ecology.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C7. E-agriculture 2024
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 2: Zero hunger
  • Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Zhejiang, China



Start date

July 2020

End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Refugees and internally displaced people


Relying on the advantages of data and platform, "Agricultural Traceability Chain" has established a reliable and efficient agricultural product traceability platform. This data-driven traceability platform model can be adopted and replicated by other regions or fields to achieve the goal of traceability and authenticity of agricultural products.
The application scope of "Agricultural Traceability Chain" covers the traceability, authenticity and marketing of agricultural products. These needs exist in other regions or sectors as well. Other regions or fields can learn from the experience and model of " Agricultural Traceability Chain " and apply the advantages of data and platform in their own commodity traceability system to realize the traceability, authenticity and marketing of general commodities.


"Agricultural Traceability Chain" provides agricultural products traceability services through blockchain and 5G technology to achieve economic, social and policy sustainability. Economic sustainability is reflected in increasing the competitiveness and added value of agricultural markets, attracting investment and partners, and ensuring long-term profitability. Social sustainability is about providing information and choices that support the sustainable development of agricultural producers and promote economic growth and social stability. Policy and legal sustainability is reflected in compliance with laws and regulations and cooperation with government agencies to ensure the stable operation and development opportunities of the platform. These aspects jointly promote the sustainable development of "Agricultural traceability Chain".

WSIS values promotion

"Agricultural Traceability Chain" actively promotes WSIS values. By providing ICT solutions, promoting digital inclusion, supporting the Sustainable Development Goals, and fostering global collaboration and partnerships, the platform drives improvements in the quality and safety of agricultural products. Consumers can obtain information about the production process of agricultural products by scanning the source code, promoting consumer engagement and digital literacy. The platform also supports sustainable agricultural practices to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals such as Zero hunger, health and well-being. Through partnerships, the platform promotes the development of global cooperation and partnerships. To sum up, "Agricultural Traceability Chain" actively practices and promotes WSIS values in terms of access to and participation in the information society, the improvement of the quality and safety of agricultural products, and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Entity name

China Mobile(Zhejiang)Innovation Research Institute

Entity country—type

China Civil Society

Entity website