Project Details

AI Repository Project

WSIS Prizes Contest 2024 Nominee

Pracownie Aktywnego Korzystania z Technologii - PAKT


The main goal of the project was to create the concept of the Workshop Spaces for Active Use of Technology (PAKT) - an innovative digital workshop (like educational technology hubs, based on fab labs and makerspaces idea) in stationary and mobile form with an offer of workshops and training in digital competencies, (in accordance with the scope of intervention of Priority Axis No. III: Digital Competencies of Society under the Digital Poland Operational Program (EU). The target group of the activities were students (kids and youth, teachers/educatores, and adults).

Project goals was:
- enable students to get in touch with modern technologies and encourage them to choose a career path in the ICT industry,
- create a concept of classes in schools based on training in PAKT labs to improve the skills of adults and increase their competitiveness in the labor market in Poland and Europe.
- create spaces (in 4 cities) for active use of technology (educational makerspace) stationary, and 4 mobile ateliers.
- create a network of over educators and a model of ateliers that can be used in more places in Poland.

The PAKT project was realized by a consortium consisting of: Centrum Projektów Polska Cyfrowa (Digital Poland Projects Center) - a Leader, Lodz University of Technology, "" (“You do it”) Association, and "Miasta w Internecie” (“Cities on the Internet") Association. As part of the project activities, 4 Workshop Spaces for Active Use of Technology - PAKT – was established in 2023 in four cities in Poland: Lodz, Tarnow, Olsztyn, and Wroclaw.
The ateliers are places for organizing educational workshops for children, teenagers, and adults based on problem-based learning, project-based work and three leading paths STEAM like robotics, programming, and multimedia. The aim of the activities is to spread the idea of education focused on the development of cross-cutting competencies, including digital competence and technological skills that promote rapid adaptation, proficiency, and social resilience.

Project website

Action lines related to this project
  • AL C4. Capacity building 2024
  • AL C11. International and regional cooperation
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality
  • Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals

  • Poland



Start date


End date

31 December 2023

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Youth
  • Teachers, educators, tutors


The inspiration for the project (especially for the model of makerspace / ateliers) was experiences of Polish and foreign social makermovement and hackerspace movements - as an organic - natural social initiative to use technology and digital skills, creating, and science exploration in the social learning process. People who represent such organizations had an impact on PAKT project. They were also co-creators and that's why PAKT workshop space/ateliers are based on the best recommendations and use best practices to share them in the field of education.
Our testing model of educational makerspaces (PAKT ateliers) in accordance with the STEAM idea has brought plenty of conclusions. We have gathered them in one publication (e-book, and traditional book) called "Recipe for the STEAM in education" and distributed through PAKT ateliers/workshop space. Teachers, educators, and all people interested in modern education, the STEAM model, and digital skills can use it to create their active spaces of training. Publication is a kind of STEAM method manual and supports how to use technology, how to create spaces that engage students to work with technology, and inspires how to cope with the contemporary education needs of kids, in the public education system reality in Poland. We were also sharing all of our experiences during the webinars for teachers and educators (we organized 10 webinars online for over 1000 teachers and educators). All of the videos are available on the project website, where teachers and educators can find other inspiring materials and sources. PAKT’s ateliers realized special training for teachers and educators in their spaces.


STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) education plays a crucial role in supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). By integrating STEAM concepts into learning, we empower students to become critical thinkers and problem solvers, addressing global challenges outlined in the SDGs. By the PAKT project we have been supported three different Sustainable Development Goals – the most important for us goal no. 4 – quality education – we supported by creating modern inclusive educational spaces for young people from public and private schools and teachers. By the equality of attendance we supported goal no. 5 gender equality
The project has neutral impact: the sustainable development policy and the equal opportunities principle. The project is implemented while respecting the social, economic and environmental factor. The main elements to ensure compliance of the project with the principles of sustainable development:
- the principle of non-discrimination between men and women (this project follows the principle of equality and non-discrimination)
- use of training materials, and other materials in electronic form (reduce paper consumption)
- use of electronic equipment that reduces energy consumption
- application of the 3Rs principle: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
- build an information society - through the development of modern information and communication technologies among the project recipients

WSIS values promotion

The project promotes and reinforces the core values of freedom, equality, solidarity, tolerance, shared responsibility, and respect for nature by WSIS principles, including through inter alia: - Promoting solidarity and cooperation in the learning process - through STEAM and problem-based learning - Promoting and enhancing equality in the learning process - by emphasizing that technologies and competencies are independent of gender. And by strengthening girls' interest in technology and programming. - Promoting the idea of sustainable use of resources and holistic thinking - by using STEAM and problem-based learning with wise use of technology, which consequently supports coping and strengthens social resilience to change.

Entity name

Centrum Projektów Polska Cyfrowa (eng. Digital Poland Projects Center) (CPPC)

Entity country—type

Poland Government

Entity website


Politechnika Łódzka (Lodz University of Technology) Adress: ul. Stefana Żeromskiego 116, 90-924 Łódź, Poland "Stowarzyszenie Miasta w Internecie” (“Cities on the Internet Association"), Adress: ul. Krakowska 11A, 33-100 Tarnów, Poland Stowarzyszenie “Robisz to" (“You do it” Association), Adress: ul. Targowa 56, 03-733 Warszawa, Poland