Project Details

AI Repository Project

WSIS Prizes Contest 2024 Nominee

Tele-epidemiological early warning system via earth observation satellites


Our project aims to develop a tele-epidemiological early warning system capable of anticipating the outbreak of health crises by relying on state-of-the-art satellite coverage ( from our nanosatellite constellation and satellites from other parties).
Tele-epidemiology is an unprecedented technoscientific resource that allows for correlating health risk factors with climatic and environmental data from space remote sensing to map and prevent the likelihood of arbovirus emergence - diseases transmitted by arthropod vectors (mosquitoes, ticks, etc.). These epidemiological bombs have attracted the attention of scientific research – eg the French Space Agency, Institut Pasteur as far as France is concerned - which has demonstrated the relevance of techniques based on satellite imagery and the urgency of their widespread dissemination.
By seeking to leverage the exploitation and fusion of Earth Observation data, PROMÉTHÉE Earth Intelligence, a nanosatellite remote sensing operator and creator of geo-intelligence applications, is partnering with these research institutes to develop a comprehensive tele-epidemiology solution with a global scope. Having been awarded the Deep Tech label by the French Government in 2021, PROMÉTHÉE Earth Intelligence has been able to materialize initial innovative building blocks that are crucial to develop right now, both to prevent and mitigate health risks resulting from climate change
With a +1.5°C increase in global warming since 1900, a lot of territories are affected by the proliferation of tropical mosquitoes carrying high pathological risks. Despite the growing demand from health services, health surveillance systems do not yet integrate climate and environmental data as predictive factors for the epidemiological dynamics of vector-borne diseases. It is, therefore, necessary to provide them with operational knowledge derived from space-based climate and environmental observation for health surveillance purposes.

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Action lines related to this project
  • AL C7. E-health
  • AL C7. E-science 2024
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 3: Good health and well-being

  • Africa
  • Asia and Pacific
  • Eastern Europe
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
  • Western Europe and North America



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Indigenous and nomadic peoples
  • global


Scalability and Geographic Replicability: Once the solution is validated in Guadeloupe (data model, API, web application), it can be deployed in all regions of the world that require an arbovirus alert system. Being based on a cloud platform, there are no constraints other than IT security and data protection. The priority is first for tropical and subtropical zones. However, due to climate change, an extension to other regions of the globe is to be considered (e.g., the spread of the tiger mosquito in Europe).

Scalability and Medical Replicability: As the solution relies on an aggregative data platform, data from other diseases that have an interest in using satellite imagery could also be hosted, such as leptospirosis, zika... Initially, studying the correlation between epidemiological and satellite data, then launching an early warning system .
Scalability and Technical Replicability: Depending on the diseases to be studied, specific IoT ground sensors can be installed to study the correlation between epidemiological and satellite data, and then launch additional early warning systems.
Scalability and Development (skills and economical) Replicability : our goal is to partner with local or regional actors which know very well the health challenges they are facing with. It means opportunities for local or regional actors to develop new skills on tele-epidemiology using our tools. Supporting local development thanks to providing global solutions using earth observation images and a digital platform : our humble contribution to GOALS #10, #8, #9, #17"

WSIS values promotion

From Guadeloupe, FWI, in collaboration with the Institut Pasteur France, the objective is to study and develop a tele-epidemiology model using satellite imagery through a Proof of Concept (POC) applied to the dengue disease. 1)Data collection: Processing of satellite data for indicator extraction - Processing and geographical disaggregation of available epidemiological data - Creation of epidemiological tables. 2)Correlations and predictive model: Identification of variables of interest - Algorithm to construct a situational map - Predictive model and alert system. 3)Application development: API to disseminate the results of the previous stages' developments - Automated chains for processing satellite data and extracting indicators - Development of the web application From this POC, deployment of the solution to other Caribbean and other tropical territories then to other temperate countries. Target beneficiaries 1)Caribbean and other tropical zone populations: The main beneficiaries of this early warning system would be the populations living in the Caribbean and other tropical regions at high risk of vector-borne disease outbreaks. 2)Health authorities and local governments: National and regional health agencies in the concerned countries will benefit from real-time access to epidemiological data, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding public health and implement preventive and control measures. 3)Health and research organizations: Health research institutes and health organizations involved in combating emerging diseases can benefit from the collected data to further their studies on arboviruses and enhance prevention and treatment strategies. 4)Tourism sector: The tourism industries in the Caribbean and other tropical regions heavily depend on the health and well-being of visitors. An effective early warning system can help prevent epidemics and maintain travelers' confidence.

Entity name


Entity country—type

France Private Sector

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