Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2019 Champion

Smart Police Mobile Application


The Smart Police mobile app will provide citizens with a quick access to valuable information such as Police directory, latest news and important communiqués from the Police Force and will also allow emergency calls to be made. It provides a communication channel between the Police Force and the public.

On installing the Mobile App on their Smart phones, Citizens will be able to access useful and important information regarding news and contacting the Police Force.

Further functionalities may be added in the future for later versions of the MPF Mobile App.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge 2019
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • Goal 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions

  • Mauritius



Start date


End date



The Smart Police app can be deployed in other outer islands of Mauritius or other regional countries to allow their respective Police Force to rapidly disseminate information to the Public and provide a means for contacting several emergency services.


Project is sustainable as there are no major financial costs involved after its implementation except for a yearly software maintenance charge for the Mobile app & its back end. Given the backend is hosted on a cloud environment, there will be little or no additional upgrade costs in the future in case more hardware resources (e.g. memory/bandwidth) are required to handle increasing number of citizens who use the mobile app.

There is also a positive impact on the environment as the mobile app promotes the dissemination of information such as the nearest emergency services (Police, Hospital, Fire Services) to the user accessing it. Therefore, this encourages the reduction of travelling times, fuel consumption & eventually the Carbon footprint.

WSIS values promotion

Smart Police project promotes the emergence of an inclusive Information Society as per WSIS values as it promotes the sharing of valuable and timely information with Citizens. The Smart Police app also encourages the usage and deployment of ICTs to create benefits in several aspects of daily life of its users. This project provides citizens with a sense of proximity and security with the Police Force when there are regular communication of important news and also the availability of a tool which can contact emergency services at the tip of a button.

Entity name


Entity country—type

Mauritius Government

Entity website