Project Details

WSIS Prizes Contest 2023 Nominee

Life is Simple with Digital Technologies

Life is Simple with Digital Technologies


Türk Telekom makes information technologies available for everyone for sustainable economic growth and social development in every corner of Turkey.
The focus motivation is to provide inclusive, equal and safe access and use of ICTs for all.
"Life is Simple with Digital Technologies," being carried out in cooperation with the Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), and Habitat Association, Türk Telekom aims to enhance women's participation in life to strengthen women's place in society by developing their digital competencies.
Within the project's scope, 10,000 women will have received digital literacy and digital marketing training by the end of the project, additionally 500 women of those who has attended the training will have participated to design-oriented thinking workshops, and 20 of them will receive one-to-one mentoring support and finally 10 of those who had been offered mentoring will receive grant. .
The digital literacy curriculum includes the transformation of information technologies, e-government and e-health services, online banking, cyber security…
The digital marketing training content includes marketing, digital marketing, patent, trademark registration, e-commerce legislation, professional account opening and management in social media, mobile photography, promotion of digital marketplaces, and internet advertising.

Project website


Action lines related to this project
  • AL C3. Access to information and knowledge
  • AL C4. Capacity building
  • AL C7. E-business 2023
Sustainable development goals related to this project
  • Goal 4: Quality education
  • Goal 5: Gender equality

  • Türkiye (Republic of)



Start date


End date

Not set

Target beneficiary group(s)
  • Women


Türk Telekom provided digital marketing trainings to 5,000 women in the period of June 2019-June 2021, organized a Design-Oriented Thinking Workshop with 500 women selected from among them, and provided mentorship support to 100 women selected from among 500 women, with the "Life is Simpler with Internet for Women with Goal" project. Upon the successful results of the project, the new project was launched on March 8, International Women's Day, with the name of “Life is Simple with Digital Technologies ” and with the aim of reaching 10,000 women.
The project expands its sphere of influence by inspiring many women with the success stories it has created, and continues on its way with revised trainings in line with the needs and developments of the day.


Türk Telekom offers information technologies, which are the main driving force for sustainable economic growth and social development, to use in every corner of Turkey, and considers it its corporate responsibility to contribute to the access to information of all segments who cannot participate in social life due to economic, social or physical reasons, in addition to the products and services it develops.
The existence of a sustainable economy is possible with the full and equal participation of women and men in all areas of social life. In light of this information, women should effectively benefit from information and communication technologies. Their digital skills should be strengthened not to alienate them from today’s rapidly changing world. With the project not just because Turk Telekom offers digital literacy trainings for free to all around Turkey since 2013 under the changing project names and with partners and for targetted groups with different disadvantages, but also with the social impact which has been displayed have been supporting UN Development Goals of Gender Equality and Reduced Inequalities .

WSIS values promotion

The project aims to reach more women empowered by digital capacity building trainings to contribute to gender equity and boost sustainable economic growth. The outcomes of the project has shown that the trainings are not just to help women more engaged in economy but also increased their self-esteem and help women back to business who had been to be excluded for various reasons such as having parenting responsibilities or being unemployed. The project outcomes since women with digital competencies have more social and economic indepedency promotes equality, freedom and shared responsibility of WSIS values.

Entity name


Entity country—type

Türkiye (Republic of) Private Sector

Entity website


Habitat Association