Memorandum of Understanding among ITY, Navajo Nation and OCCAM

Details of the organization
Civil society entities

Information about the project
Memorandum of Understanding among ITY, Navajo Nation and OCCAM
The objective of this MoU is to explore opportunities to build a non-exclusive partnership program among the ITU, the Navajo Nation and OCCAM (hereinafter referred as “the Parties”) to build a partnership programme on information and communication technologies (ICT’s) for equitable and self-sustainable development; 1.2 The Parties will, in particular, explore opportunities to build a cooperative working relationship, in identified areas of common interest, in order: 1.2.1 to work towards ensuring ICT access for youth and indigenous groups, through a multilingual and global portal; 1.2.2 to enhance mutual support and collaboration between ITU, the Navajo Nation and OCCAM through actions/projects and programmes with emphasis on promoting ICT\'s and capacity building, to integrate youth and indigenous groups, especially those who are marginalized; 1.2.3 to facilitate resource mobilization and the demonstration of the political will to achieve the above, and to this end; CONSIDERING that the ITU, in its role as the leading organization in the process for the World Summit on the Information Society (hereinafter “WSIS”), is called upon to stimulate multi-stakeholder cooperation in such process; that the terms of the WSIS Declaration of Principles and its related Plan of Action foresees improving technology and aims to enable access to all people including indigenous groups; “ Explore the viability of establishing multi-stakeholder portals for indigenous peoples at the national and Regional level. Launch education and training programmes, where possible using information networks of traditional nomadic and indigenous peoples, which provide opportunities to fully participate in the Information Society; Develop and implement policies that preserve, affirm, respect and promote diversity of cultural expression and indigenous knowledge and traditions through the creation of varied information content and the use of different methods, including the digitalisation of the educational, scientific and cultural heritage. Support local content development, translation and adaptation, digital archives, and diverse forms of digital and traditional media by local authorities. These activities can also strengthen local and regional indigenous communities. Enhance the capacity of indigenous peoples to develop content in their own languages. Cooperate with indigenous peoples and traditional communities to enable them to more effectively use and benefit from the use of their traditional knowledge in the Information Society.” that telecommunication and information technologies constitute an important strategy for reaching out to youth and indigenous groups at the international, national, regional, and sub-regional levels; that the Memberships of the ITU consists of public and private sector entities referred to as Members States and Sector Members; that the Development Bureau of the ITU gives special attention in assisting indige This project has been submitted to the Golden Book database.
International implementation
Ongoing from 2006
ITU, Navajo Nation, OCCAM, OnSat Networks

WSIS information
* The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
* Access to information and knowledge
* Capacity building
* Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content
* International and regional cooperation
  • Goal 8: Develop a global partnership for development
  • Signature Memorandum of Understanding