A project for providing access to high-speed corporate information and communications network of the executive government authorities of the Kaluga Region

Details of the organization
Ministry of Economic Development of Kaluga Region
Russian Federation
Civil society entities

Information about the project
A project for providing access to high-speed corporate information and communications network of the executive government authorities of the Kaluga Region
In 2012 against the background of dynamic innovative development of Kaluga region there was a problem that the global community calls the digital divide. The rate of Internet penetration in households in most of localities of the region was less than 25%, but in the industrial centers of the region this figure was 75%. This problem is typical not only for Kaluga region, but for most subjects of the Russian Federation. This is due to the fact that Internet providers are not motivated to provide services in small remote settlements, as it requires to invest in the construction of communication networks, and the potential revenue from subscribers are absolutely unattractive. For solution of the problem "digital divide" one of the authorities of the region became centralized purchasing of telecommunications services to provide access to high-speed information and communication network of the Executive authorities of the region to local authorities and public sector institutions of the region. It was impossible to implement the technical requirements for the purchased telecommunications services without the development of telecommunication infrastructure in remote and sparsely populated territories of the region. As a result of implementation of the project the problem of digital divide in Kaluga region was resolved, consolidated spending of the budget for the communication services reduced more than 3 times. Now there are opportunities to connect to the Internet for households and businesses.
Regional implementation
  • Eastern Europe
Russian Federation
Completed from 01/01/2013 to 01/12/2017
1. Rostelecom PJSC, 2. The Ministry of Education and Science of Kaluga Region, 3. The Ministry of Health of Kaluga Region, 4. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs of Kaluga Region, 5. Administrations of municipal district and counties of Kaluga Region.

WSIS information
* Information and communication infrastructure
  • Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Project