Integrated Information System for Citizen Service Centers

Details of the organization
Ministry of Information and Communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Information about the project
Integrated Information System for Citizen Service Centers
Integrated Information System for Citizen Service Centers (hereinafter IIS CSC, the System)is an information system aimed at automating the process of providing public services via Citizen Service Centers (hereinafter CSC, the Center). Implementation of the System enabled greatly facilitating the process of citizens’ interaction with government agencies, which resulted in red-tape issues reduction, also the number of government agencies, which an applicant had to visit, have been decreased and operators` operation has been improved thanks to implementation of performance indicator monitoring system. Moreover, IIS CSC involves automation of public service delivery process in Citizen Service Centers as related to creating e-requests, fabricating e-packages of documents and sending e-requests to government agencies` information systems. Also, the System is integrated with external government agencies` information systems and national registries and today, the mechanism enables optimizing business processes of services delivery through reduction of number of documents required to submit an application for obtaining a service. Besides optimization of public services delivery, IIS CSC allows monitoring the Centers operation. In particular, it is now possible to supervise how many citizens are waiting for their turn in CSCs; information systems operation; service delivery quality (time of waiting in a queue, time of documents execution). The System enables recording the cases where public services have been rendered by central and local executive agencies with breach of time limit. Today, the quality of 518 public services delivery is monitored via the monitoring system. Establishment of CSCs and specialized CSCs was a positive development in the sphere of public services delivery as they became an e-Gov platform, which enabled integrating various information systems.
National implementation: Kazakhstan
Ongoing from 01/01/2011 to 01/01/2032
Republican Notary Chamber of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan JSC "National information technology" Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan General Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan

WSIS information
      * E-government
  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Project
  • Programme
  • Database