Education Programme Monitoring Systems

Details of the organization
International organizations

Information about the project
Education Programme Monitoring Systems
The Compiler covers every refugee child who receives education services in the country, and has been proven succes?sful in tracking each child's educational history, drop outs and retention rates, transition pathways between the different school systems, and other valuable indicators. The Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE) has adopted the Compiler and uses its data to make programme decisions. The Compiler is an online platform created by UNICEF Lebanon to replace Excel as a tool for data collection. Primarily to support MEHE in the collection of data, the Compiler was designed to support in the rapid collection of student-level data. It is now an online platform to record student’s registration data in all Second Shift (including Prep-ECE), Accelerator Learning Programme (ALP) schools and Child Level Monitoring tools (CLM) for Syrian children. The compiler also allows to record real time attendance on a daily basis of the children using an application uploaded on a tablet located in each school. Moreover, the attendance/absentees database provided by the Compiler is used by the Min Ila Cash Pilot Programme to monitor the children’s absences and follow up on the cases where children are absent more than 10 days or drop out. In 2016 the Compiler has been enrolled in 400 public schools cross the country and reached 145,000 children in 2nd-shift and 15,000 children in ALP.
National implementation: Lebanon
Ongoing from 15/06/2016 to 31/12/2017
Governmental partners: MEHE: Ministry of Education and Higher Education CERD: Center for Educational Research and Development NGO/INGO partners: ALLC Caritas Ana Aqraa Al Fayhae AVSI ALPHA AAA MS

WSIS information
      * E-government
  • Goal 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Project
  • Programme
  • Website
  • Database