Virtual Lab

Details of the organization
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Information about the project
Virtual Lab
Still now, malaria eradication is back on the agenda of World Health Organization. There exist many paths of fighting malaria. Telemedicine and eHealth provide innovative opportunities to connect medical expertise and care to populations at risk and without comprehensive medical resources. Face to slow progress of cross-institutional integration in healthcare information system in most of developing countries, we suggest and develop the project called “Virtual Community of Healthcare Facilities (VCHF)”. The VCHF has been to utilize the ongoing eHealth revolution in Africa as the main and most suitable vehicle for optimizing the quality of care and reducing the large death being caused by infectious diseases such as malaria. The VCHF enables to transcend geopolitical barriers. The healthcare givers can use the proposed technological solution and benefit from a remote access expertise or supports to save people’s life. In attempt to contribute for the malaria eradication, we developed an approach for malaria disease detection and identification using digital microscopic image processing, « a Virtual Lab ».
Regional implementation
  • Africa
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Ongoing from 16/03/2014 to 31/12/2018

WSIS information
      * E-health
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Project
  • Website