21st Century Government

Details of the organization
Caribbean Telecommunications Union
Trinidad and Tobago
International organizations

Information about the project
21st Century Government
A national Government has a unique relationship with its citizens. It is the only institution that consistently interfaces with all citizens through every phase of life. The Government, is exclusively positioned to know its citizens and therefore has a responsibility to create and maintain systems that efficiently service their needs and enable them to participate effectively in the development of the country. Historically, the knowledge systems governments employ have been based on independent government ministries and agencies which are rooted in processes that are centuries old. Many of these systems have become ineffective and are anachronistic to 21st century life. The evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) presents the opportunity to create seamless and comprehensive information profiles for each citizen pertaining to their interactions with the Government as well as national resources and their usage. The Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) has consistently advocated that Governments must be early adopters of ICTs, using them effectively to serve their citizens. The CTU is proposing the 21st Century Government programme which seeks establish citizen-centric seamless government and transform Caribbean public sector through the effective use of ICT. The 21st Century Government Programme seeks to: • Enhance the delivery, quality, adoption and usage of government e-services; • Provide citizens with quality government information and allow for their active participation in the public policy development and feedback process; • Realise organisational transformation, cost efficiencies and interaction in government through the seamless sharing of systems, processes and information; • Strengthen economic competitiveness by fostering an environment of collaboration with the private and business sectors to promote innovation and sustainable development.
Regional implementation
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
Planned for future from 16/01/2017 to 31/12/2022
• Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD)

WSIS information
* The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
  • Project
  • Programme