Persian Native Search Engine

Details of the organization
Iran telecom research center
Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Information about the project
Persian Native Search Engine
Content Localization
The vision for Persian SE Program is achieving “the best search services in Persian language” by providing • The most accurate search capability in Farsi • The highest-quality localized services in Farsi Feasibility and comparative studies as well as research on search engines and local users’ needs are prerequisites for realizing the above-mentioned vision. According to the harsh competition in search market, the local search engines supported by the program should deploy some interesting services based on local content and design for local culture. This is a multi-stakeholder program including people, private and public sectors. Therefore, the empowerment of the private sector through engaging it in the process of realizing the people requirements is an essential approach in this program. To realize the vision, the establishment and implementation of different services will be initially put into practice along with public sector supports. It will be possible through the following important goals: 1. Improvement of Security for users according to the privacy. 2. Guarantee the quality of content providing to the users 3. Matching the content and ranking them according to the culture and localized information 4. Providing both technical and economic opportunity for Iranian small or medium business to apply the state-of-art technology to develop the localized content and services. In this way we are trying to help the goals number 8 and 9 of SDGs. The main ideas are localization of web service, empowering Persian language in web and considering multi-stakeholder in web projects to help people have better life with suitable content access and services both in health and learning aspects, and SMEs have a better economy in a resilient web infrastructure. We also believe that the project from content and service point of view can impact goals 3 and 4 of SDGs.
National implementation: Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Ongoing from 23/12/2014 to 22/12/2019
Private companies as follows: Parsijoo, Yooz, Targoman, Daneshgostar, Farazin, Aboureihan, Kariz, Shiveh, Rahpouyan, Homaplus, Universities: Tehran university, Sharif university, University of Science and Technology, Beheshti university and Khajeh Nasir university. ICT ministry IT organization

WSIS information
* The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Project
  • Programme