Panoramic epidemiology

Details of the organization
Government of San Luis Province
  • The organization has a strategy for coordinating WSIS Implementation at the national level: No
  • The organization has a national e-strategy: No

Information about the project
Panoramic epidemiology
San Luis Digital Agenda has led to the development and innovation also in Health, where the Government of San Luis deploys the SALUD 3.0 (HEALTH 3.0) policy, aimed at maximizing the digitization of the sector with these projects: telemedicine, digital prescription and clinical history, a web appointments system for public hospitals, and applications for epidemiological surveillance. Approximately 80% of the information needs in governments is related to geographic location. The advance of space technology has provided us with by satellite images, which together with equipment and software for processing, the wide coverage of the Internet and the development of GIS and GPS systems provide us with tools to organize information and produce digital maps. This is of paramount importance in the field of public health, which needs quality, timely and reliable information to manage prevention programes and strengthen surveillance. For these reasons, the government of San Luis contributes to strengthening health surveillance by incorporating the panoramic dimension by means of two platforms: for mosquito-borne disease surveillance and for Chagas disease surveillance. In spite of their short implementation time, both platforms are effective for the management of epidemiological information and are user-friendly for both health agents and citizens alike.
Local implementation: Argentina, San Luis province
Ongoing from 11/02/2016 to 31/12/2027

WSIS information
      * E-health
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Project
  • Programme