Analytical center

Details of the organization
General prosecutor`s office of the Republic of Kazakhstan Committee for legal statistics and special accounts
  • The organization has a strategy for coordinating WSIS Implementation at the national level: No
  • The organization has a national e-strategy: Yes

Information about the project
Analytical center
The aim of the project is to build an analytical self-learning system using machine learning techniques. The purpose of the system is to detect and prevent offences and crimes. Crime Prevention comprises strategies and measures that seek to reduce the risk of crimes occurring, and their potential harmful effects on individuals and society by intervening to influence their multiple causes. The analytical system which is being built has taken some of the features and functionalities from the decision support systems (DSS). By the completion of the project, the system will be able to guide and advice during the decision making process of crime preventions in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The system is using following data: 1) Aggregated historical data on crimes and offences. 2) Detailed data on individuals who committed crimes. 3) Metadata, to analyze the process of crime recording 4) Macro-economic data to analyze what factors influence the crimes. The system will analyze all these data in order to create a full picture of crime. Therefore, users (in our case prosecutors) using the results will develop recommendation on preventing crimes and store it on the database of the system. The system will learn on these recommendations and under what conditions recommendation have been given. As a result, when similar problem will have precedents to happen, it will detect them and give recommendations.
National implementation: Kazakhstan
Ongoing from 08/01/2017 to 26/12/2021
General prosecutor`s office, Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Ministry of information and communication of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Committee of the Penitentiary System.

WSIS information
* Enabling environment
  • Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
  • Project