Protection scheme of harassment or fraud calls

Details of the organization
China Mobile Communications Corporation
Business sector entities

Information about the project
Protection scheme of harassment or fraud calls
With the rapid development of the information society and telecommunication technology, more criminal activities are taking place in the global network represented by communication information fraud, which has caused serious problems worldwide. Especially, the elderly who are unfamiliar with information technology and less-educated ones are susceptible populations, which is not conducive to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Through this project, more than 5.9 billion fraud calls were intercepted before getting reached, 96 million people received fraud call reminder alert, and 270,000 users were effectively protected from DDOS calling. This project creates a safe and reliable national and social environment, and a clear cyberspace, which can provide protections for user's property and life, enhance public trust in the information society, and continuously promote sustainable production and consumption patterns. In order to effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of telecom users, cut off the fraud channels, China Mobile has taken advantage of its operators, and carried out a series of practices including fraud calls governance, defrauding call number prompt, DDoS calling emergency prevention and so on. The achievements of this project have provided practical experience for the entire telecommunications industry, and some of the achievements have been published by ITU-T and other international organizations, which can be promoted to all entities from communication and information fields to enhance public trust in the global telecommunications industry and to promote the sustainable development and consumption of information society.
International implementation
China, Switzerland
Completed from 05/01/2012 to 01/12/2017

WSIS information
* Building confidence and security in use of ICTs
  • Goal 12: Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
  • Project