The Geospatial Information Technology Platform LVM GEO for Forest Management

Details of the organization
JSC Latvia's State Forests
Business sector entities

Information about the project
The Geospatial Information Technology Platform LVM GEO for Forest Management
The JSC Latvia’s State Forests is a forest management company with an operating objective to provide sustainable management of state forests while simultaneously earning maximum revenue. The company encourages an economically and environmentally sustainable forestry by thinking and acting in a thoughtful way. Therefore, we are certain that all long and short term decisions must be data, information, knowledge and experience driven. With that in mind and understanding the importance of a spatial awareness while planning the actions, the company decided to develop and implement geospatial information technologies. The most significant geospatial information technology project being the development of the LVM GEO platform to support all forest management processes. The LVM GEO platform has significantly improved company’s efficiency and helped to ensure its’ forest management approach to be sustainable. The platform is also available for any company in the forestry sector to be implemented, therefore making these technologies more accessible and helpful to others.
National implementation: Latvia
Ongoing from 01/01/2012 to 01/01/2021

WSIS information
* Access to information and knowledge
  • Goal 15: Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss
  • Programme