Enhancement of disaster risk reduction capacities utilizing community radios on the basis of government-residents’ collaborations

Details of the organization
Jaringan Radio Komunitas Indonesia
Civil society entities

Information about the project
Enhancement of disaster risk reduction capacities utilizing community radios on the basis of government-residents’ collaborations
Indonesia has been known as a country that various disasters often occur. Lessons of disaster management have been frequently applied and already have shown the progress. However, public awareness of disaster risk reduction shall be raised continuously. Among many actors which contribute to disaster management, community radio is one of the tools to raise public awareness of disaster management. Mt. Kelud, Mt.Merapi and Mt.Sinabung are high hazardous volcanos in Indonesia. The three volcanos erupted largely in last several years and caused great damage to the surrounding communities. A large amount of pyroclastic materials piled up on the mountain slope and they have been frequently causing secondary disasters, such as cold lava flood and flood. Especially Mt. Sinabung continues to erupt intermittently, and both of Mt. Merapi and Mt.Kelud are likely to cause other large-scale eruptions in the near future by consulting the eruption frequency in the past. Steering Committee of RADAR TANGGUH program has conducted various projects with some community radio stations in three Volcano Areas (Mt.Kelud, Mt. Merapi and Mt. Sinabung) in order to improve the communities’ disaster management abilities. Combining the knowledge, skill, experiences of these organizations, and available resources in the communities, it is estimated to be possible for the local communities to greatly improve their disaster risk reduction capacities. To protect the local communities from disasters, it is important to enhance the communities’ coping abilities as soon as possible. There are almost a thousand community radio stations in Indonesia. It is also important to construct a model of community-based disaster management utilizing community radio and demonstrate it to other communities in Indonesia.
National implementation: Indonesia
Ongoing from 03/07/2017 to 31/12/2020
Community Radio FMYY, AMARC AP, Combine Resource Institution, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, JICA

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