Digital Regional Market eLAC2018

Details of the organization
National Digital Strategy - Government of Mexico
  • The organization has a strategy for coordinating WSIS Implementation at the national level: Yes
  • The organization has a national e-strategy: Yes

Information about the project
Digital Regional Market eLAC2018
Currently Mexico chair the Digital Agenda for the Latin America and the Caribbean eLAC2018 under ECLAC´s Information Society Conference. Within this framework, the governments of Mexico and Chile, supported by the Latin American Development Bank - CAF and ECLAC, launched an initiative to foster the development of a Regional Digital Market. This is project seeks to strengthen the digital economy in Latin America and the Caribbean, fostering the free flow of goods and services online, driving digital entrepreneurship; and examining the advantages and feasibility of moving towards a more dynamic regional digital market in the Latin American and the Caribbean region (LAC). This initiative demonstrate how the Digital Regional Market eLAC2018 promotes the development of the digital economy and e-commerce within the LAC region, by : i) strenthening governments technical and institutional capacities to assist the growth of SMMEs in the ICT industry, ii) development public policies to develop an enable environment where digital economy and e-commerce can growth.
Regional implementation
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
Ongoing from 05/08/2015 to 31/08/2020
Countries: Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Argentina, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Brazil and the Dominican Republic. Organizations: ASIET, CAF, GSMA, LACNIC, ISOC, CABASE, CITEL - CICTE, ITU, European Commission, SEGIB, Access Now, WEF, OECD, IDB, OECD and ALAI. Companies: Wayra, Entel, Google, Facebook, GSMA, Telefónica.

WSIS information
* International and regional cooperation
  • Goal 1: End poverty in all its forms everywhere
  • Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
  • Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
  • Project
  • A regional Initiative