Assimilation of technology and human effort to obtain unprecedented results in last mile delivery at an extremely low cost

Details of the organization
Operation ASHA

Information about the project
Assimilation of technology and human effort to obtain unprecedented results in last mile delivery at an extremely low cost
Operation ASHA obtains unmatched results in delivery of health and reduction of drop-out rate in schools by training local youths rigorously and empowering them with technology applications. These applications have been developed in collaboration with target communities, beneficiaries, technology experts and psychologists. Every application is loaded on off-the-shelf tablets, which have internet or SMS connectivity. Operation ASHA has developed a unique, patient-focused, local, deep, community driven, technology supported, scalable, replicable and highly cost-effective model for delivery of services to the doorsteps of the most disadvantaged living anywhere, in urban slums or the remotest villages. The model was developed in collaboration with patients, field staff, target communities, psychologists, and subject matter experts. It empowers local youths to help their communities access high quality health services, both public and private and prevent exploitation by unqualified health providers. Each application is described below. eCOMPLIANCE is a biometric technology, which tracks employee-client meetings. If a meeting is missed, the system automatically escalates the matter to successively higher levels. eDETECTION guides workers to ask relevant questions and provide proper advice to the client. eALERT mimics a manual lab register. It sends results via a text message. ELECTRONIC MEDICAL RECORD SYSTEM collates data automatically into reports. eCOMPLIANCE SUITE enables various applications to speak to each other automatically, without human intervention. eCOUNSELING ensures high quality counselling of each client+family. eFAQ is a searchable database of FAQs. eSURVEY is used to carry out surveys. It records the GPS location and the time of every survey. TRIP TRACKER records physical movement and calculates the distance covered and transport entitlement. eAUDIT allows an auditor to enter observations and qualitative answers electronically. The application awards a score, which is used to pay incentives. eATTENDANCE is a modification of eCompliance to record school attendance and reduce drop-out rates. eNURTITION is another modification of eCompliance. It tracks delivery of nutrition products to disadvantaged persons. eRECEIPT records presence of concerned persons through biometrics and allows recording of cash payments and comprehensive cash management.
International implementation
Afghanistan, Cambodia, India
Ongoing from 05/05/2011 to 01/09/2020
1. Revised National Tuberculosis Program, Government of India 2. Individual and Corporate Donors 3. Microsoft Research 4. Research Institutions like Stanford University, University of Chicago, MIT-JPAL, University of Maryland, Columbia University

WSIS information
      * E-health
  • Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
  • Goal 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
  • Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
  • Project
  • Tool-kit
  • Website
  • Database
  • Mobile Application