Salama Program - Dubai Health Authority Electronic Medical Record

Details of the organization
Salama Program
United Arab Emirates
  • The organization has a strategy for coordinating WSIS Implementation at the national level: Yes
  • The organization has a national e-strategy: Yes

Information about the project
Salama Program - Dubai Health Authority Electronic Medical Record
The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) was reformed, in June 2007, with an expanded vision to include strategic oversight for the complete health sector in Dubai and enhance private sector engagement. DHA’s aim in Dubai is to provide a smart, accessible, effective and integrated healthcare system, protect public health and improve the quality of life within the Emirate. Keeping the strategic plan in mind, the DHA’s mission is to ensure access to health services, maintain and improve the quality of these services, improve the health status of nationals, residents and visitors and oversee a dynamic, efficient and innovative health sector. Prior to 2015 DHA renewed major parts of the legacy Hospital Information System (HIS). The legacy system known as SAM, Pharmacy application (iSoft) and application integration engine (Open Link). In 2015, DHA embarked on its transformation journey to replace its legacy systems with a state of the art Electronic Medical Record (EMR- Epic) and Orion Rhapsody Application integration engine. These systems shall be used at all DHA hospitals and clinics. Additionally, DHA also began to enhance customer experience through digitization. The customer experience enhancement was achieved through implementation of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and mobile applications which were separate projects that ran in parallel to allow for systems to integrate and complete the customer experience. In February 2016, “Salama” Dubai Health Authority’s Electronic Medical Record was inaugurated by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Bin Rashid and a commitment by DHA was made to complete the project by January 2018
Local implementation: United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Completed from 10/05/2015 to 17/12/2018
IBM and Epic are the main partners

WSIS information
      * E-health
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Programme