Amader Gram Palliative Care Tele-System

Details of the organization
BFES-Bangladesh Friendship Education Society
Civil society entities

Information about the project
Amader Gram Palliative Care Tele-System
AG Palliative Care
Amader Gram Palliative Care Tele-System: is a services delivery platform for patient-centered palliative care using patient cell-phone symptom reports and website best practices and prescription capabilities.The project has developed a cell phone application of the Amader Gram Symptom Survey (AGSS), which has been found a reliable, feasible symptom assessment tool. The app presents a 15-item questionnaire rating the magnitude of 12 common cancer-associated symptoms, with 4 scales measuring dimensions of pain. The items are from evidence-based instruments, the Edmonton Symptom Assessment Survey (ESAS) and the Brief Pain Inventory (BPI), plus questions from oncology clinical practice on constipation and sleep quantity and quality (6,15,16). Items are sequentially presented in English and Bengali using written and audio formats. Patients respond by moving a cursor along a 10-point analog line, the well-validated Likert scale. The app is thus available to illiterate patients. Currently only an Android application, it will be expanded to run on other platforms. Patients complete the app questionnaire daily at home and submit it to the website where it will be available to their physicians. The website can provide historical item ratings to facilitate interpretation. Physicians will be notified of updated reports by email or text messaging on Mondays and Thursdays, days with low clinical loads. They will also be alerted automatically if there is a rating increase of more than 1, found to be significant (17), or any rating over 7. However, it is emphasized to physicians that all clinical decisions remain with them.
National implementation: Bangladesh
Ongoing from 01/10/2013 to 30/09/2018
International Breast Cancer Research Foundation; Marquette University, Milwaukee, USA; UBITRIX INC. USA

WSIS information
      * E-health
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
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