Amader Gram Breast Care e-Health Program

Details of the organization
BFES-Bangladesh Friendship Education Society
Civil society entities

Information about the project
Amader Gram Breast Care e-Health Program
AG Breast Care
The Amader Gram Breast Care Center is a diagnostic and treatment center for women with any kind of breast problem. The center provides in one place affordable and high quality services to diagnose breast problems, take pathology tissues samples if necessary, plan treatment, provide medical treatments for breast cancer (Chemotherapies and Hormonal Therapies), and provide symptomatic care at home using regular cell phone communications for women with serious cancer. At our Breast Care Center in Khulna (Bangladesh), we diagnose, plan treatment and provide medical treatment for women with serious breast problems and breast cancer. We have written Guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer, based on the best international data, for any doctors and patients to read. At our Breast Care Center in Khulna we offer “one stop” care for women who have a breast problem: - We create an electronic medical record. - We do a careful complete physical examination. - We perform a breast ultrasound examination with a high resolution scanner. For any patient who has a breast change that may be cancer, we recommend and do an immediate painless needle biopsy to obtain tissue to make a pathological examination. For any patient who we find has a serious breast problem, the patient’s situation is reviewed at our weekly international patient management telemedicine video conference with international experts.
Local implementation: Bangladesh, Khulna division
Ongoing from 01/10/2010 to 30/09/2018
Government of Bangladesh; International Breast Cancer Research Foundation; Ohio State University, USA.

WSIS information
      * E-health
  • Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all
  • Programme