All-In-One E-commerce Postal and Customs Solution

Details of the organization
Pošta Slovenije, d.o.o.
Business sector entities

Information about the project
All-In-One E-commerce Postal and Customs Solution
AN ALL-IN-ONE E-COMMERCE POSTAL AND CUSTOMS SOLUTION PROVIDING AN INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO CUSTOMS CLEARANCE Slovenia has been no exception to the dramatic rise of international e-commerce, boosting package and parcel flows enormously. To handle the increasing volumes and to facilitate the international trade, Slovenia Post (Pošta Slovenije, d.o.o.) and the former Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (currently the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia – FURS) initiated a project that back in 2014 resulted in a completion of the first major phase – a new modernised approach to customs clearance with a real-time software that allows the automation of postal and customs operations speeding up high-volume transactions of postal and customs operations through an efficient interfacing with the in-house systems of the postal operator and Customs Authority. The approach has introduced a new way of working with customs and end customers through the application of modern technology – a single window import/export software application with the registration portal for the end customers (importers and exporters). It seamlessly integrates the data and the logistics processes of the two seemingly incompatible systems – postal and customs one. The idea was to speed up and facilitate the international trade by taking over some of the tasks previously performed by the Customs officers to speed up the shipment handling, introduce greater visibility and reduce costs, while leaving the Customs a more supervisory role. Due to its originality and applicability, the new customs clearance approach has also been recognised as an example of good practise at the European Union level.
National implementation: Slovenia
Ongoing from 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2019
The former Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia (currently the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia – FURS) Software provider - Trinet Informatika, d.o.o.

WSIS information
      * E-business
  • Goal 8: Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
  • Project