CE-Digital: Providing capacity building opportunities to ICT regulators and policy makers from Latin America and the Caribbean

Details of the organization
International organizations

Information about the project
CE-Digital: Providing capacity building opportunities to ICT regulators and policy makers from Latin America and the Caribbean
CE-Digital is a partnership between CAF, Development bank of Latin America, the GSMA and eLAC 2018. It is an extensive telecommunications capacity-building programme for national regulatory authorities and policymakers from Latin America and the Caribbean. Established in 2016, its work is ongoing. CE-Digital’s main goal is to deliver free training opportunities, via 14 face-to-face and online courses offered in Spanish, to help keep policymakers and regulators abreast of current industry trends and how they affect the telecommunications services offered to their country’s citizens. Despite significant development of the digital ecosystem in Latin America, the region still faces great challenges in progressing current digital transformation programmes and initiatives. By providing a supportive capacity-building environment, CE-Digital aims to promote knowledge generation and sharing in the region to develop and consolidate regulatory and institutional skills and knowledge within telecommunication authorities. As a result, these authorities will be better placed to meet the challenges presented by the new digital ecosystem via the provision of enhanced policy and regulatory frameworks, helping expand and strengthen the telecommunications landscape in Latin America. This programme is a combined effort of three international organisations to contribute towards achieving the WSIS capacity building action line. So far, CE-Digital has delivered more than 650 days of training to over 350 regulators and policymakers from 16 countries across the region, representing 16 ministries and government entities and 10 telecommunications regulatory agencies. CE-Digital’s great challenges for the future are in looking for ways to extend the reach of the programme even further and working to ensure our courses continue to be highly relevant to course participants.
Regional implementation
  • Latin America and the Caribbean
Ongoing from 01/04/2016 to 01/04/2020
CAF, eLAC 2018 and GSMA

WSIS information
* International and regional cooperation
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Goal 17: Revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development
  • Programme
  • Training initiative