The implementation of the digital seal in Albania

Details of the organization
National Agency for Information Society
  • The organization has a strategy for coordinating WSIS Implementation at the national level: Yes
  • The organization has a national e-strategy: Yes

Information about the project
The implementation of the digital seal in Albania
The National Agency for Information Society has implemented the digital seal on the e-albania unique governmental portal. As of January 2018, 29 documents bearing the digital seal are available to citizens and businesses. They include civil status certificates, pension attestation, business attestations and extracts, the health card, property attestations etc. Circa 300,000 digitally signed documents have been generated in less than 4 months reducing drastically the number of queues at the institutions’ counters, saving thousands of hours for citizens, as well as saving money since some of them are offered free of charge via the portal. On the other hand, the Albanian government thoroughly thought to facilitate citizens and businesses by giving to the Albanian civil administration employees the burden of securing the digitally sealed documents. So, when a citizen goes to a state counter or a notary, the latter are responsible to provide the required digitally sealed documents through e-Albania. Meanwhile citizens and businesses who need to deliver these documents to private institutions, can download them directly from the portal, and they come equipped with a digital seal and full legal value.
National implementation: Albania
Ongoing from 28/11/2012 to 31/01/2028

WSIS information
      * E-government
  • Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Project