United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia

Cover image for UNESCWA

ESCWA supports inclusive and sustainable development in its member States, advancing regional integration and providing advocacy for the region’s needs and concerns on the global stage. Through research and analysis, ESCWA links knowledge on economic and social issues to policy. It brings together policymakers, researchers, experts and other stakeholders in intergovernmental and expert group meetings in the pursuit of constructive dialogue and concerted action. On the ground, ESCWA provides targeted technical cooperation and advisory services to member States upon their request. It serves as:

  • Voice of the region: Creating regional platforms for deliberation, coordination and consensus building among member States to influence global forums.
  • Think tank of the region: Undertaking innovative research, and supporting quality data collection and analysis for evidence-based policy-making.
  • Adviser to the region: Providing regional, sub-regional and national capacity-building and technical advisory services, and supporting national efforts to adopt norms and policies. 

Links & attachments

  • Official Website
  • Please note some attachments are only available to UNGIS members.