United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean

Cover image for UNECLAC

The United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) was founded in 1948 by ECOSOC res. 106 (VI) to coordinate policies for the promotion of sustainable Latin American economic development and to foster regional and international trade. Later, its work was extended to the Caribbean countries and its programme of action expanded to promote sustainable social development.

In 1996, member governments updated ECLAC's mandate through res. 553 (XXVI). Under this provision, the Commission helps Member States analyse the development process by formulating, evaluating and following up on public policies, as well as by providing assistance in areas of specialised information.

ECLAC experts also offer advice, training and support on subjects such as:

  • Agricultural development
  • Economic and social planning
  • Industrial, technological and entrepreneurial development
  • International trade, regional integration and cooperation
  • Investment and financing
  • Social development and equity
  • Integration of women in development
  • Natural resources and infrastructure
  • Environment and human settlements
  • Statistics
  • Administrative management
  • Demography and population policies.

Links & attachments

  • Official Website
  • Please note some attachments are only available to UNGIS members.