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Message from the Secretary of State

Nasr Hajji

Marrakesh and the future of ITU
by Nasr Hajji, 
Secretary of State to the Prime Minister in charge of Posts and Telecommunication and Information Technologies

On behalf of the Government of the Kingdom of Morocco, it gives me great pleasure to welcome distinguished delegates to the city of Marrakesh, which has the honour of hosting the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) - the sixteenth such event to be held since the organization's establishment in 1865.

With its ochre colouring, Marrakesh, this most entrancing of cities, founded in around 1070, indisputably represents the living memory of the age-old history of Morocco, and has the magical ability to ensure that all who come here enjoy their visit.

It means a great deal to Morocco to be hosting this very major and important world conference, thereby marking its position as a dynamic country that is firmly set on the road towards open trade and integration into the global economy. In line with the High Guidance of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Moroccan Government, headed by Prime Minister Abderrahman Youssoufi, has made telecommunication and information technologies a spearhead for sustainable development, more rapid growth and the reduction of inequalities. This event, the 2002 Plenipotentiary Conference, will be taking place within a context of far-reaching technological change to which ITU must make every effort to adapt.

With this in mind, the Union should focus on two types of objective:

  • Capitalizing on its knowledge, experience and strengths while opening up to new horizons with a view to enabling all inhabitants of the planet to benefit from information and communication technologies (ICT) through a global approach to the information society and economy.

  •  The taking of new initiatives aimed at making ITU the global organization at the heart of the information and knowledge society. For this to happen, ITU will have to show itself as being capable of a high degree of adaptability and flexibility.

The broadening of its activities should constitute a shared undertaking for the future and a major challenge in terms of partnership between the public and private sectors, in an association of interests and competencies that will serve to maintain and strengthen the Union's role.
In parallel with the work of the Conference, we have programmed a number of activities whose success will depend largely on delegates' participation and enthusiasm. These activities, which lie outside the strict framework of the Conference and are intended to enrich and diversify the debate, include:

  • A Forum, from 28 to 30 September 2002, that will seek to give further impetus to the global debate on the information society, and in particular the "digital divide". The Forum will be attended by various leaders from the ICT sector, political decision-makers, intellectuals and representatives of civil society.

  • An exhibition area located opposite the Palais des Congrès of Marrakesh, entirely equipped and managed by a private company and devoted to the promotional activities of global companies operating in the field of telecommunication and information technologies that wish to be present on the basis of pre-established commercial conditions.

We have also planned other activities in order to ensure that delegates enjoy their stay to the utmost. I am fully confident that the enchantment, magic and bewitchment of the location and its setting, coupled with the friendliness of the people of Marrakesh, will charm delegates and leave them with an enduring memory of their stay in this city and with new and lasting friendships.
Allow me to wish all participants in the Conference a very heartfelt welcome to Morocco - Ahlan wa sahlan!!!.n



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