Plenipotentiary Conference 1998 -- Minneapolis USA

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ITU-2000 Recommendations to PP-98

R. 1
It is recommended that, within the ITU, which is an intergovernmental organization, mechanisms should be identified with the objective of promoting fruitful cooperation and partnership as appropriate between Sector Members and Member States, each of them having well-defined rights and obligations in conformity with the modified basic instruments of the Union.

R. 2
It is recommended that, in order to maintain its pre-eminent position in the telecommunication world and to meet the interests and expectations of existing members and encourage new members, the appropriate bodies within the ITU should implement the ITU-2000 recommendations as soon as possible, including the following:

  • adoption of a project management approach where appropriate;
  • assurance that all members are aware of their rights in relation to Sector activities and opportunities to participate in the work at all stages;
  • the need for all members of the Sector to contribute to the priority setting process for the study activities within a Sector or Study Group;
  • production of Recommendations including those related to world standards and other products on time to meet the needs of the marketplace;
  • simplification of the methods used to change and implement new working methods of the ITU taking into account inputs from Member States and Sector Members.

R. 3
It is recommended that Members and members be named respectively as Member States and Sector Members.

R. 4
ITU-2000 recommends that there should be only one category of Sector Member which should be open to the widest range of entities commensurate with the aims of the ITU. The following entities are eligible to become Sector Members:

  1. Entities dealing with telecommunications, including multi-media, for example: Operating Agencies, Scientific or Industrial Organizations, Financial and Development Organizations.
  2. Regional or other international telecommunication, standardization, financial or development organizations.

In principle, and where appropriate, all Sector Members of a given Sector should have equal rights and obligations.

R. 5
ITU-2000 recognizes the sovereign right of each Member State, when applying the procedure for admission of Sector Members, to determine its own procedure and under what conditions the entities under its jurisdiction may apply to become a Sector Member. In this respect, a Member State may authorize entities under its jurisdiction to apply for one or more Sector(s) directly to the Secretary-General and in such case the following should apply:

When the Secretary-General receives an application from an entity under the jurisdiction of a Member State who authorized direct application to the Secretary-General, the latter shall, on the basis of criteria defined by the Council, ensure that the function and purposes of the candidate are in conformity with the purposes of the Union. He shall then without delay, inform the applicant’s Member State inviting approval of the application.

  1. If no objection is received from the Member State, the applicant will be informed that the application has been approved
  2. If an objection is received, the applicant will be invited to contact his Member State.
  3. When a Member State has previously indicated to the Secretary-General that a no reply from his side on individual application should be considered as an acceptance, the applicant is considered as being approved for at the expiration of a period of two months following the request by the Secretary-General.

The Secretary-General should regularly update and publish a list of those Member States having authorized entities under their jurisdiction to apply directly to him.

R. 6
It is recommended that to increase participation by smaller entities in the work of a Sector a form of membership termed "Associate" should be established. Should an Assembly or Conference decide to admit an Associate in a Sector concerned, the following principles should apply :

  1. the process for becoming an Associate should be the same as that applicable to a Sector Member of that Sector;
  2. the rights of an Associate would include the right to participate in the work of one study group in a Sector, but excludes rights applicable to Sector Members including participation in the decision-making processes of the study group and study group liaison activities;
  3. the level of financial contribution applicable to Associates should be such that it at least covers the full allocated cost of their participation,

R. 7
Appropriate activities of the Sectors may benefit from enhanced cooperation with other groups having related interests. To this effect, it is recommended that:

R. 7/1
cooperation with organizations having activities related to those of the Union be reinforced by inviting, following a procedure to be developed by the Sector concerned and applied by the Director of its Bureau, such organizations to send liaison representatives to take part in the Sectors’ meetings. A Liaison Representative would be the representative of an organization which does not participate in the Sector but which had been invited to take part in the work of a specific Study Group or subordinate Groups.

R. 7/2
It is recommended that further steps be taken to encourage cooperation with regional and other organizations, and similarly, that Member States encourage cooperation of national organizations, by inviting their participation at the Sector level. Possibilities for work sharing should be explored. Where mutual interest exists, relevant ITU information should be made available on a collaborative basis allowing, among other things, controlled access to text in electronic form via the ITU databases.

It is recommended that the title of the WTSC should be changed to the WTS Assembly. This would align with ITU-R and would clarify the situation such that within ITU-T and ITU-R only treaty-making "meetings" would be referred to as Conferences.

R. 9
The budgetary system of the ITU should be improved in order to strengthen the financial base of the Union and to adequately meet the requirements of its membership. To this effect, it is recommended that:

that the free choice of financial contributions should be retained. ITU-2000 supports the periodical distribution of information on the relative level of contributions by Member State and Sector Members as well as continued action by the Secretary-General in this regard, which would be useful to them in choosing their class of contribution.

  1. Improvements in the application of the free choice system are required to ensure that all contributors share in a more equitable manner the burden of financing ITU activities, commensurate with the benefits they derive from the Union. In this respect, some participants are of the view that the resources made available to the Union by Member States and Sector Members should also be taken into account.

  2. In the ongoing analysis of the Financial foundations of the Union, Council needs to consider a variety of factors, including the matter of guidelines in relation to the level of contributions. Member States and the Advisory bodies of the Sectors may, if they so wish, consider the matter of guidelines and make contributions to the Council.

R. 9/4
the financial contributions from Sector Members should be identified for the Sector for which they were made, taking into account that a share of those contributions will be used in support of General Secretariat costs which are both directly and indirectly attributable.

Under such a system and bearing in mind the biennial budgeting process, if there is an increase in the contributions of Sector Members, these will be identified for the Sector for which they were intended (recognizing that this could also be achieved through the mechanism of voluntary contributions). If, however, there is a decrease in the amount of money available in support of the activities of a particular Sector, it could be necessary to undertake reductions in the Sector budget based on a reassessment of priorities in the work programme, as recommended by the Director in consultation with the Sector Advisory bodies.

It is recommended that, in relation to the amount of the contributory unit by Member States and Sector Members, the current ratio should be examined by the Plenipotentiary Conference, in the light of the future financial structure of the Union.

It is recommended that the Council implement as soon as possible a mechanism by which the views of Sector Members on the finances of the Union would be taken into account (for example: by admitting to the meetings of the Finance Committee of the Council, representatives of Sector Member(s) nominated by the relevant Advisory bodies.

R. 12
It is recommended that the pricing policy for the publications should aim at the largest distribution of ITU documents, according to Kyoto Resolution 66. It is further recommended that the overall revenues from selling publications should cover the cost of production, marketing and sales beyond development of the final text and that the revenues after the deduction of those costs should be credited to the Sector having elaborated the publications.

However, in order to ensure the widest possible distribution of publications, especially in developing countries, a policy should be adopted to make the price of publications as affordable as possible.

R. 13
It is recommended that, in relation to the rights of Member States who are in arrears:

  • not to elect Member States in arrears to the Council, nor to any management bodies for Conferences
  • abolish the concept of special arrears accounts

R. 14
ITU-2000 recommends that in relation to the dissemination of information covering the rights and obligations of Sector members the following actions should undertaken:

The CS/CV should be amended or revised, where appropriate, to enable any of the agreed ITU-2000 recommendation to be implemented. In particular, the rights of Sector Members to participate in the work of the Radiocommunication Assembly, the WTSC or the WTDC and their subsidiary meetings should be recognized. In addition, the role of sector advisory bodies to develop detailed provisions relating to the specific activities of the respective sectors should also be recognized.

In addition, Kyoto Resolution 14 should be updated to identify the rights and obligations of all members of sectors of the Union and submitted to the 1998 Plenipotentiary Conference for adoption.

It is recommended that for the purpose of widening the representation of Radiocommunication Sector participants at WRCs, the Radiocommunication Assembly (1997) consider the matter and prepare the contribution to the Council.

R. 17
ITU-2000 recommends that, considering the need for approval of some Recommendations in a more flexible way than others, each Sector may extend its own working methods and procedures for the adoption of Questions and Recommendations to meet such needs using an alternative approval process. These working methods and procedures, where applicable, should be based on the following general principles:

  1. Questions be adopted at a Study Group meeting on an equal footing by Member States and Sector Members participating in the meeting (for example, as presently done in the Standardization Sector).
  2. The Study Group meeting should indicate at the time of approval of the Question whether the resulting Recommendation is to be approved by the alternative process.
  3. The Questions, together with the designation of which approval process to be used should be notified to all Member States and Sector Members. Any resulting comments should be treated in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Sector.
  4. When the alternative process is used, Recommendations should be approved by the Member States and Sector Members in a Study Group meeting on an equal footing, in accordance with the procedures adopted by the Sector.
  5. Recommendations approved using the alternative process shall have the same status as Recommendations approved otherwise.
  6. Each Sector shall develop guidelines to be followed by Study Groups when identifying the process to be applied for approval of each Recommendation.
  7. The alternative process should not to be used for Recommendations having policy or regulatory implications.

R. 20
It is recommended that Council implement the use, as extensively as possible, cost recovery for products and services and to consider additional opportunities for cost recovery that might prove promising.

Groups of products and services which could be subject to improvements in efficiency and cost recovery and revenue generation mechanisms should be developed. Elected officials, Sector Advisory bodies and participants are urged to recommend activities which could be included in each of three categories.

R. 22
It is recommended that the announcement of the class of contribution for Member States should take place during the Plenipotentiary Conference.

Council will determine when exactly the announcement will be made. The meeting agreed that the General Secretariat should recommend what legal means need to be taken to ensure that this new approach is applicable for the Plenipotentiary Conference in 1998.

R. 23
It is recommended that any reduction in a Member State’s choice of class of contribution should not be more than 2 classes and should be implemented gradually over the period between Plenipotentiary Conferences.

R. 24
It is recommended that, in order to provide recognition of the status and functions of the Radiocommunication Advisory Group and the Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group in the current basic instruments of the Union, appropriate provisions should be developed and reflected in the Convention.

It is also recommended to modify the provisions related to TDAB in view to open the participation to Member States and Sector Members. The Director of the BDT should take action to encourage participation of Sector Members from developing and developed countries.

R. 26
It is recommended that consideration is given by future WRCs to the need to allow sufficient time for proper and thorough conference preparations to be made, when recommending the agenda and the date for the succeeding WRC, noting that the Convention allows flexibility in this regard.n

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