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Candidate for the post of Director of the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau

Michel Feneyrol
General Director of CNET, France Telecom


Personal Data

Born in Clermont-Ferrand (France) in 1940
Three children: one daughter and two sons


1959-1961 Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
1962-1964 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France
1963-1965 Graduate in Economic Sciences from the Paris University


Fluent in French and English, good level in Spanish and German

Professional competencies

Combination of a vision about the main drivers of the future of telecommunications and information technologies with operational experience on the field.

Deep knowledge of regulation questions.

Use of large organizations management in the different functions of a telecommunications operator: commercial, operations, equipment, R&D, international.

Relationships with main telecom operators, equipment manufacturers and software providers in the world.

Standardization of work orientation in a large telecom operator (contribution, assessment test lab, relationship with standardization organizations).

Professional activities

1964-1968 Research and Development at CNET (National Center for Telecommunications studies) on satellites and radio transmission systems
Representative of France at CCIR (International consultative committee for radiocommunications) and at INTELSAT
1968-1975 General Directorate for Telecommunications, Programs and Economic studies Service
– Responsible for long distance network evolution working group
– Director of Plan, Programs, Budget and Accounting
1975-1978 Paris suburbs Regional Directorate
Director of Equipment and Operations and then
Director of Programs and Finance
1978-1981 Regional Director of Paris North West region (1 million subscribers, 6 billion FF revenues, main business sectors of Paris)
1981-1984 France Telecom General Direction
Director of Professional Services and Telematics
1984-1986 Advisor of the Minister of PTT
Responsible for industrial affairs and relationships with the European Community
1986-1990 Responsible for the telecommunications reform (regulation and company status) at the office of France Telecom General Director
1990-1998 General Director of CNET, France Telecom R&D center
(4 300 persons, 3 200 engineers and scientists)
1998-1998 President of SEE (French scientific society for electricity and electronics)
President of France Telecom-SGS Thomson Joint Venture in micro-electronics
President of CNET-CEA Joint Venture on the JESSI micro-electronics research program

Publications and teaching

Professor at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (Paris)
Professor at the Paris Dauphine University (Telecommunications economics)


Telecommunications in the 21st century: the real and the virtual (1997)

Telecommunications needs have never changed so fast and never diversified so rapidly. This move is driven by the extraordinary evolution of information sciences and technologies. In the foreseeable future, transport capacity and computing power will still increase. This is a worldwide dynamic. Networks and services liberalization, synergies between telecommunications, computer and audiovisual industry change deeply the added-value chain and the position of actors in these sectors (States, regulators, operators, equipment manufacturers, software industry, services and programs providers).

Whilst opportunities are immense, risks of divergence are also very important. At work or in their personal lives, users look for a larger choice in services, lower costs, user-friendliness and a global worldwide harmonization. For this purpose, it is especially necessary nowadays to have a global coordination at the world level for regulation orientation, services universality development, networks interconnection guarantee. Present telecommunications networks and services owe much to ITU. Since the first conference was held in Paris, the Union has shown at many times adaptation capacities. Thanks to a new impetus in its objectives, its working methods, its general management, ITU must become the architect of a 21st century world, based on harmonized telecommunications between countries, to the service of identities and use modes diversity.

Universality of communications as well as market needs necessitate a standardization open to all. All actors need it: users in order to communicate through permanently diversified services, operators to ensure services interoperability and networks interconnection, with consistent investment plans, manufacturers to realize their innovation at least cost with economies of scale on worldwide markets, regulators and States in order to encourage initiatives with a preservation of the general interest.

A new impetus in recommendations elaboration process has to be promoted in order to serve ITU members best.

Ambitious objectives

  • Find balanced solutions in order to satisfy standardization needs of the different ITU members at a worldwide level.
  • Anticipate the potentialities opened by the innovations coming from all technologies that make the communications society.
  • Ensure compatibility and quality in order to allow communication to everybody, in good conditions and with no discrimination.
  • Facilitate the industrialization of networks and services equipment and software.
  • Contribute to the decrease of information transport cost.

Modernized methods

  • Based on the contributions of all actors at the origin of regulation changes and technologies convergence.
  • Use the most advanced methods to ease the work of experts, who create the value of standards; accelerate recommendations production.
  • Enforce relationships with regional and national standardization bodies, forums, specific organizations.
  • Promote management excellence and efficiency in the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau.

Ambitious objectives and modernized methods will confirm ITU as the worldwide reference in telecommunications standardization. Build a world of telecommunications able to put the extraordinary evolution of technologies at the service of all, to get human beings and countries closer, with all respect to everybody of all cultures, in order to give an equal access to knowledge and information: an ambition for a 21st century of worldwide communication.

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