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Candidate for the Radio Regulation Board


Curriculum vitae


Date of birth: 12.03.1938
Marital status: married
Children: two grown up children
Nationality: Hungarian
Languages: French, English, Spanish, Hungarian (mother tongue)


1952-56: Secondary School, Maturity
1956-61: Technical University, Budapest, Diploma of electrical engineer
1970: Technical Doctor degree, Budapest
Several computer programming and management courses in the ITU


1961-70 Hungarian PTT
1961-65: Technical Directorate of Radio and TV Broadcasting, Hungarian PTT engineer, head of section, responsible for Hungarian microwave links for TV programme distribution and multi-channel telephony;
1965-67: Technical High School (Instituto Osvaldo Herrera) Havana, Cuba
lecturer on TV broadcasting and microwave techniques;
1967-70: Technical Development Department, General Directorate of Hungarian PTT chief engineer, responsible for development of TV and microwave networks;
1967-70: Technical University of Budapest scientific research engineer (part-time), participation in research on colour television standards and equipment;
1970-77 ITU (IFRB)
1970-77: International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) engineer, responsible for technical examinations, Conference preparation (MAR-74, MF-BC-75, BC-SAT-77), Technical Standards and Rules of Procedure;
1977-82: General Directorate of the Hungarian PTT
1977-82 Frequency Management Division of the General Directorate of Hungarian PTT Head of Division, responsible for Hungarian frequency management activities (broadcasting, fixed and mobile, space), frequency spectrum planning, establishment of national frequency regulations, international coordination, supervision of the Hungarian Frequency Management Office, national preparation for ITU Conferences and CCIR meetings;
1982-98: ITU (IFRB/BR)
International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB) and from March 1993:
Radiocommunication Bureau (BR)
1982-87: Head of Division, responsible for terrestrial Fixed and Mobile Services Division;
1987-90 Head of Division, responsible for Space Services Division;
1989-90 Acting Head of the Regulatory and Engineering Department;
1990-98: Head of Department, responsible for the Space Services Department (until March 1998, when retired due to statutory age limitation);


Major achievements in relation to the above duties:

· direction and organization of the work of the terrestrial and space services divisions and, after its establishment, the Space Services Department;

· responsible for major Conference preparatory and post-conference activities (MOB83, HF-BC-84/85, MOB-87, ORB-88, WARC-92, WAC-93, WAC-95, WAC-97, RARCs-85);

· responsible for the general revisions of the Rules of Procedures and Technical Standards (1983-85 and 1995);

· responsible for the establishment of the IFRB Finding System (1983);

· responsible for the development of technical assistance procedures (RR1218) for the HF FX service (1985);

· preparation of the IFRB Handbook on Radio Regulatory Procedures (1987);

· user representation and coordination of the establishment and refomatting of the BR space relating data base (Space Network System); development of several internal BR procedures for the application of regulatory and technical provisions;

· direction and organization of the work of the terrestrial and space services divisions and, after its establishment, the Space Services Department;

· responsible for major Conference preparatory and post-conference activities (MOB83, HF-BC-84/85, MOB-87, ORB-88, WARC-92, WAC-93, WAC-95, WAC-97, RARCs-85);

· responsible for the general revisions of the Rules of Procedures and Technical Standards (1983-85 and 1995);

· responsible for the establishment of the IFRB Finding System (1983);

· responsible for the development of technical assistance procedures (RR1218) for the HF FX service (1985);

· preparation of the IFRB Handbook on Radio Regulatory Procedures (1987);

· user representation and coordination of the establishment and refomatting of the BR space relating data base (Space Network System); development of several internal BR procedures for the application of regulatory and technical provisions;

· responsible for the ITU-R Sector activities concerning Resolution 18 (PP-94); responsible for all space related activities of the BR in relation to the Radio Regulations Board (RRB).


ITU Conferences:

Participation in almost all World Radiocommunication Conferences between 1975 and 1997, in particular:

  • Chairman of the Technical Committee of the Conference WARC-1978;
  • Head of the Hungarian Delegation at CCIR Plenary Assembly (1978, Kyoto);
  • Secretary of Committees (C4, C5) of WARCs and RARCs between 1983 and 1995;
  • Spokesman of BR at WRC-97 (Committee 4, Resolution 18);
  • Participation in Study Group activities (as national delegate and IFRB/BR representative) between 1968 - 98 (SG1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 11);
Regional Coordination Activities:
  • on behalf of the Hungarian Administration: Central European Terrestrial Mobile Agreements, Coordinated Plans for TV networks, Coordination of Frequency Allocation Tables, ITU Conference Preparations;
    as IFRB Representative at meetings of CITEL, EBU, INTERPOL, CEPT.
IFRB/BR Seminars:
  • participation as lecturer or session chairman in almost all Seminars between 1975 and 1996;

United Nations (UN):

ITU representative in the UN Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) and its Legal Sub-Committee between 1991 -1997 (New York, Vienna);

  • Chairman of the United Nations Inter-Agency meeting on Outer Space Activities (1993);
Several other missions giving lectures (as IFRB/BR representative): Arab States Frequency Management Seminar (Tunis, 1985), Spectrum 20 (Montreal, 1989), Regional Seminar (Praia, Cape Verde, 1991), UN Workshop on Space Communications (Athens, 1993), European Workshop on GSO Orbit Studies (Brussels, 1993), Asia-Pacific Cable & Satellite Summit (Hong Kong, 1994), URSI - Com-Sphere (Eilat, Israel, 1995).

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