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Candidate for the post of Deputy Secretary-General

Independent consultant in telecommunication policies and strategies


Family Name: STAGLIANÓ
Christian Name: Domenico
Place and Date of Birth: Catanzaro, Italy - 20 June 1936
Nationality: Italian
Marital Status: Married with two daughters
Address: Chemin de la Capite, 4
1295 Tannay
Memberships: FITCE - Fédération des Ingénieurs des Télécommunications de la Communauté Européenne.
Present Status: Since retirement from ITU (June 1996), independent consultant in telecommunication policies and strategies
Languages: Fluent in French, English, Spanish, Portuguese (written and spoken)

1. Education

1954 - 1962 Received a Doctorate Degree in Electrical Engineering, Engineering Faculty, University of Rome.
1965 - 1966 Attended successfully the specialization course in Telecommunications at the "Istituto Superiore P&T", Rome. This is a post-graduate course of two years' duration which is intended not only for the executive staff of the Ministry but also for managers of the Telecommunication industries and agencies.

2. Professional experience

1962 AGIP Nuclear- in charge of the study and development of security/control sub-systems of nuclear power plants, evaluating their performance by means of an analogic computer.
1963 - 1964 Statutory Military Service: Lieutenant, Italian Air Force -specialist officer - in charge of an air defence radio station in the north-east regions of Italy. Lectured on electronic devices as well as on radar principles and operation.
1964 - 1971 As a result of open competition, was recruited by the "Azienda di Stato Servizi Telefonici" (the long distance operator of the Italian Ministry of P&T).
1964 - 1965 Senior Engineer in Regional Department - responsible for the transmission quality of the whole telephone network of central Italy. The network included high capacity coaxial cable and radio relay systems, plus the associated multiplex and switching equipment. In charge of all technical activities related to maintenance and reliability improvement.
1965 - 1967 Assistant Director in Central Department, responsible for detailed planning, operation and maintenance of new solid-state radio-relay systems in course of installation or planning. Performed acceptance tests and prepared detailed maintenance procedures. Trained the technical staff in charge of the stations.
  Deputy-Director - in close cooperation with the Director, responsible for the operation and maintenance of the whole Italian radio-relay network of the PTT operator, including 21 principal stations and more than 50 unattended stations. In addition to the managerial duties of the position, continued to participate in the acceptance tests for new systems, in the elaboration of operation and maintenance procedures and in the training of technical and administrative personnel. Participated in the Commission-in-charge of planning and development of integrated telecommunication networks nation wide.
  Member of the National Commission responsible for preparing contributions to CCIR activities (Commissions 3 and 9).
1969 Assisted the Greek Administration in the installation acceptance tests and establishment of common maintenance routines for a microwave radio link between Greece and Italy.
1971 ITU Expert in Bolivia - two months mission with duties to evaluate tenders for the provision and installation of the first nation-wide trunk microwave network and to advise the Government of Bolivia in this speciality.
1972 - 1974 ITU, Peru: ITU Expert in radio relay systems: advised and collaborated with the Government of Peru, as well as with the national telecommunication operating enterprise, in the following matters: 1) evaluation of the selected tender for a nation-wide trunk microwave network. As a consequence, several changes were introduced in order to reach a better overall performance and reliability; 2) system design of HF, VHF, UHF, SHF links including propagation tests in the field; 3) participation in the establishment of the national Telecommunications Training Institute INICTEL; 4) training of engineers; 5) economic aspects, i.e. evaluation of costs of systems operation and maintenance as a basis for the establishment of tariffs.
January - March 1974 Requested by the ITU to undertake a mission to Cuba, to assist the Government in the establishment of a modem Central Telecommunication Laboratory. Assessed the needs and prepared requisitions of necessary equipment. Supervised the activities of the Radio Laboratory, lecturing on modem trends of technology for radio equipment and initiating the study of prototypes to be manufactured locally.
March 1974 to March 1982 ITU Headquarters - Project Officer in the Americas Division of Technical Cooperation Department (TCD), in charge of several national and regional projects concerning infrastructures and institution development in Mexico, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti and Jamaica. In 1977, Head of the Special Task Force which prepared the revised version of the Radiocomunications Regulations following the recommendations of the Satellite Broadcasting Conference (Geneva, 1977). Organized and coordinated the Regional seminars preparatory to the World Administrative Radio Conference of 1979.
March 1982 to December 1985 Head of Americas Division in TCD, responsible for the ITU technical cooperation programme for Latin America and the Caribbean; coordination and supervision of the work of the Project Officers and Area Representatives in the field. Ensured ITU support to and coordination with Regional Telecommunications bodies such as CITEL, ECLA, CNTO, CARICOM, etc.
January 1986 to March 1987 Head of Administrative Division, TCD, supervision of all support services, namely Field Expert Recruitment and Administration, Fellowships implementation, Equipment procurement and Budget coordination. Responsible for all UNDP matters, including ITU representation in inter-agency meetings and UNDP Governing Council. Acted on behalf of the Chief of TCD during his absence
April 1987 to March 1991 Administrator, Special Voluntary Programme for Technical Cooperation: negotiations with several donor countries/organizations with a view to obtaining the resources needed to meet the demand for technical cooperation/assistance and implement a number of projects; drafting of project profiles and administrative agreements between ITU and several donors. Responsible for a major Telecommunication Research & Development Project in Brazil.
April 1991 to February 1994 At the creation of the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), appointed as Head of Telecommunication Policies Division. Responsibilities included:
  • Coordination of formulation and implementation of the various activities related to telecommunication restructuring including the elaboration of important regional policy papers (African Green Paper, Americas’ Blue Book).
  • Close supervision of preparations and holding of Regional and World Telecommunication Development Conferences.
  • Setting-up and management of the Information Unit entrusted with the production of Telecommunication Indicators, World Telecommunication Development Report, as well as with the establishment and maintenance of database.
  • Planning and implementation of follow-up activities related to decisions of Telecommunication Development Conferences.
  The Head of Policies Division had "de facto" responsibilities as deputy Chief of the Policies, Strategies and Programming Department.
March 1994 - June 1996 Appointed Chief of the Policies, Strategies and Programming Department, a key unit of the ITU's Development Sector.
Responsibilities covered Policy, strategic and technical advice at global level to developing/emerging countries/economies in all aspects related with telecommunication sector reforms and network and services development.
Acted as Deputy of the Elected Director of BDT.
  Retired on 30 June 1996 at the UN statutory retirement age.
July - December 1996 During this period, as a consultant:
  • carried out a study on the new role of the Brazilian Telecommunication Research & Development Centre in Campinas, considering the sector's evolution towards competition, and
  • participated in the preparation of a business case for INMARSAT.
January 1997 - January 1998 Consultant in Brazil with STET, Italy, acting in the areas of Strategy and Business Development, including analyses and proposals of possible investment opportunities for STET/Telecom Italia. In June 1997, STET/Telecom Italia won the licence for B-band cellular service in the States of Bahia and Sergipe.

4. Other activities

Author of training materials for assistant engineers (in Italy).

Lectured on telecommunication technical topics as well as on policy issues at several international meetings/conferences.
Author of a number of articles published in specialized press.

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