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Candidate for the Radio Regulation Board

Ryszard Struzak

Curriculum vitae

Professor Ryszard Struzak has over 30 years of professional experience in wireless telecommunications. He worked as engineer and manager, as researcher, scientist and university professor, as high international official, as technical writer, and as consultant to private-sector entities and governmental agencies in a number of countries. His expertise covers radio science applications, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), spectrum management, radio regulations, radio monitoring, antennas, radio wave propagation and electromagnetic metrology. A large part of his professional life was devoted to international telecommunications.


International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Dr. Struzak has been a Member of the ITU Radio Regulations Board elected at the Plenipotentiary Conference, Kyoto '94. In the years 1985-93, he was the Head of technical department and Senior Counselor at the ITU headquarters (details in the following section). Earlier (1979-85), he served as Chairman of Interim Working Party 1/4 of the International Consultative Radio Committee (CCIR). The Party was dealing with the interference limitation from industrial, scientific, medical and household equipment. In 1974-85, he served as Vice-Chairman of CCIR Study Group 1 whose task was to foster international cooperation in the rational use, management and monitoring of common resources of the radio frequency and satellite orbit. Earlier (1964-85), he chaired the National CCIR Study Group 1.

International Union of Radio Science (URSI). Professor Struzak has been the Co-Chairman of Working Group E1 elected at the URSI General Assembly, Lille '96, and an URSI Correspondent. The Group is responsible for international studies on Spectrum Management/ Utilization and Wireless Telecommunications. In the period 1984-87, he served as the Vice-Chairman of Commission E, promoting studies on radio noise and interference environment. The 1984 Assembly approved his proposal to include spectrum utilization/ management issues in the URSI studies. Earlier, he was a member of URSI National Committee.

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In the years 1974 -79, he was invited to the Steering Committee of International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR). Earlier (1972-85), he served as the Chairman of CISPR National Committee dealing with interference limits, measurements and statistical methods. During 1985-93 he was a member of the Advisory Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility as the ITU/CCIR representative.

International symposia. Professor Struzak co-founded the International Wroclaw Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, the oldest regular EMC symposium in Europe. The Symposium has enjoyed the support of professional societies from over twenty countries and a number of International Organizations. It attracts some few hundreds specialists from around the world coming to the city of Wroclaw every two years since 1972. Dr Struzak served, among others, as the Symposium Chairman and Proceedings Editor. Currently, he is the Program Chairman. Professor Struzak cooperates also with other symposia as invited Committee Member or Session Chairman-Organizer. The list of countries includes China, France, Israel Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, and Switzerland. Among others, he was involved in the organization of the IEEE International Communication Conference "ICC Geneva '93", as the URSI representative.

Other Organizations. During the years 1962-64, he collaborated in the development of the common EMC standards in the framework of international programs coordinated by COMECOM Standards Institute (IS), Moscow. In the years 1959-70, he participated in several standardization and research projects of the Organization for Cooperation in Telecommunications of Socialist Countries (OSS).

Lectures abroad. He has served as invited lecturer at high-level courses at prestigious institutions like the UNESCO's International Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy (1985- ), or the Oxford University (1997). He lectured at various occasions in Africa, Asia, Europe, and in North- and South America. The list of countries includes Argentina, Austria, Cameroon, Canada, Cape-Verde, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kenya, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States and USSR. In 1994, he spent some time as Visiting Professor at the Academie de Toulouse I.N.P., France.


Professor Struzak has been an independent consultant and editor since 1993. Earlier (1985-93), he served as high international official at the ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. In the years 1953-85 he was with the Institute of Telecommunications and, concurrently, with the Wroclaw Technical University, Poland.

Period 1993-

Editing. Dr. Squeak serves (1996- ) as Editor-in-Chief of "Global Communications", a publication with worldwide distribution.

Consulting (1993- ). Dr. Struzak has consulted on design, regulations, and marketing policy issues related to wireless systems for rural/ remote areas and to low-orbiting satellite systems. In Turkey (1993-94), he assisted the Government in its preparation of a $100M Informatics Project, as World Bank consultant. In Colombia (1995), as ITU consultant, he assisted in the planning of television network using computer tools. In Poland, he served as an adviser to the Minister of Telecommunications (1995) and accompanied the Minister in his official visit to Switzerland. He has advised the President of National Radiocommunication Agency (1994- ) and earlier, the Communication Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has consulted on national R&D programs in wireless telecommunications and EMC.

Period 1985-93: lnternational Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland

Heading Technical Department at the Secretariat of the ITU International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR) and serving as Senior CCIR Counselor (grade D1). Major responsibilities of Dr. Struzak included, logistic and technical support for the worldwide studies of six CCIR Study Groups (No. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, and 12). He was also responsible for Recommendations, Reports, Handbooks and working documents of these Groups, as well as for advising CCIR members on that work. Each Group gathered 30 to 200 experts from various countries - ITU Members. That work covered Spectrum Engineering and Management; Radio Monitoring; Frequency Sharing, Electromagnetic Compatibility, Sharing Criteria (intra- and inter-service); Space Research; Radio-astronomy and Science Services; Earth Exploration Satellite Services, Meteorological Services, Standard Frequency and Time Services, Industrial, Scientific, Medical and domestic applications of radio; Radio Wave Propagation in Ionized and Non-ionized Media. Each year, he received numerous foreign delegates looking for assistance on topics covered by his Department.

Organizing & supervising CCIR activities. On behalf of the CCIR Director and on his request, Professor Struzak acted as Deputy Director organizing and supervising major CCIR activities. These included all preparations for the CCIR Plenary Assemblies and World Administrative Radio Conferences. During the Assembly, he served as the Secretary of the Organization Committee. He coordinated the Director's Reports to the Assemblies, WARCs, ITU Councils, and a number of Director's presentations at various occasions.

Representing the CCIR. He represented the CCIR in contacts with the International Frequency Registration Board (IFRB), International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Scientific Committee on Telecommunications (SCT), Advisory Committee on Electromagnetic Compatibility (ACEC), and International Special Committee on Radio Interference (CISPR), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

Restructuring the CCIR. Dr. Struzak took part in all activities aimed at the improvement of the CCIR work. He was responsible for the Study Group 12 and for the first series of Conference Preparatory Meetings for WARCs, both experimental and both setting new working methods. Besides, he initiated, organized and supervised the ITU/ CCIR library of specialized computer software, offered at no charge to all those interested. After the dissolving of the CCIR in 1993, he was nominated the Head of Operational Planning at the new ITU Radiocommunication Bureau. Here, he worked on new approaches to the management of the spectrum/orbit resource use on national regional and worldwide scales.

Restructuring the ITU. Dr. Struzak participated in the activities of the "Group of Experts on Basic Instrument of the Union", of the "High-Level Committee to Review the Structure and Functioning of the ITU", of the "Panel of Experts on Long-Term Future of the IFRB", of the "Voluntary Group of Experts to Simplify Radio Regulations", etc.

During his work in the ITU multi-national, multi-cultural environment, Dr. Struzak confirmed his leadership skills, organizational capabilities and diplomatic talents. Self-motivated and flexible, he maintained excellent interpersonal relations. He retired in 1993 and began as an independent consultant.

Period 1953-85: Institute of Telecommunications, Wroclaw, Poland

R. Struzak began his professional carrier in 1953 as Research Assistant at the R&D Center of the Union of National Radio and TV Broadcasting Stations in Wroclaw, at the end of his engineering studies. Later, the Center has been transformed into the Wroclaw Branch of the Institute of Telecommunications, the central R&D national entity under the Minister of Telecommunications. At that time, the Branch employed only a very few people and R. Struzak was one of its first employees. He held various managerial posts there until he moved to the ITU headquarters in 1985, except for the years 1954-56 spent at the University and 1961-63 in the Army. He organized (1956), and then headed the R&D Radio-Frequency Interference (RFI) Laboratory, the first in the country after the War. Later (1967), it has been transformed into the EMC Division. He continued as its Head until he was upgraded to the post of the Head of the Branch (1973). Under his direction, the Wroclaw Branch of the Institute grew up to 100 employees or so in 1985, and became known also abroad. This active involved new and innovative elements and a number of "firsts", and brought him a series of awards and high national decorations.

Developing technical bases for EMC standards. The foremost task of Dr. Struzak and his team was to develop EMC recommendations to solve the problem of man-made radio interference plaguing the country. That work had a significant commercial impact and had to be done in close co-operation with various governmental agencies, private-sector, radio-operators, and manufacturers of electrical and electronic equipment. From the very beginning, it required coordination with neighboring countries, with regional organizations such as OSS and COMECOM's Institute for Standardization, and with worldwide organizations such as IEC, CISPR and ITU/ CCIR. The experience gained in the country was then used in setting international recommendations.

To be accepted by the various interest groups, the recommendations had to be founded on sound technical basis, and it was necessary to undertake R&D work on radio interference, on filtering and screening techniques and on associated measuring methods and equipment. That activity resulted in a series of the first National Standards and enjoyed appreciation evidenced, among others, by the nominations Dr. Struzak received to lead a number of Groups of Experts, national and international.

Developing measuring methods & equipment. The measuring equipment developed by his team was later manufactured by a cooperating factory and offered at the national and international markets. It was exposed at several international fairs, among others in Basel ('75), Montreux ('75), Moscow ('68), London ('74), and Poznan ('75).

Developing theory of RFI filters. The research work on wide-band RFI filters resulted in his two doctor's degrees.

Measuring radio noise in cities. The measurements of radio noise in hundreds of cities he initiated and supervised served as a basis to revise technical criteria for the development of broadcasting network and commenced his cooperation with URSI.

Developing technical bases for spectrum management. Another major task of Professor Struzak and his team was to develop national spectrum management, as the spectrum congestion became the dominant problem of the country's wireless communications. His activities focused on four strategic directions: to improve the underlying theory, to improve planning and design tools, to improve the antenna technology, and to improve the monitoring, control and measuring techniques. Also in these areas, he got some remarkable results.

Developing RF planning theory. His original graph-theoretical approach to frequency planning was used, among others, by a West-European Group of Experts in their preparations for the Regional Administrative Radio Conference Geneva '82/'84.

Developing electronic maps and terrain data banks. The numerical terrain model with associated geographic information system, created at his initiative and under his direction, has served as a basic tool in planning terrestrial radio systems over the country.

Developing PC simulation tools. The original PC-based simulation tools created under his direction have found practical application in planning TV, FM and other wireless networks and in solving incompatibility problems in the country and abroad.

Developing antenna technology. The high-power VHF/UHF transmitting antenna systems and the associated smart control systems that were developed and manufactured under his supervision were installed at a number of transmitters across the country.

Creating flying RF laboratory. The helicopter-based laboratory with original measuring techniques created at his initiative and under his direction was probably the first in Europe. It was used to measure from the air the three-dimensional radiation pattern antennas in real-life conditions, a key element in identifying and solving interference problems. Moreover, it allowed rapid monitoring of the transmitter's coverage and interference areas and quick intervention, if needed.

Developing automated monitoring system. He initiated and supervised the development of the first computer-controlled-radio monitoring system in the country.

Coordinating R&D projects. Besides, he served as the National Coordinator of major R&D projects in spectrum utilization and was offered seats in a number of Boards and Councils. He also advised on various aspects of wireless communications, such as counter-eavesdropping, for instance.

Period 1954-85: Technical University, Wroclaw, Poland (concurrent occupation)

R. Struzak started his academic career in 1954 as Instructor at the Chair of Telecommunications and Microwaves, continuing his M.Sc. studies at the same time. He taught Telecommunications, Circuit Theory, Electronic Components & Circuits, Microwave Theory & Techniques and Microwave Laboratory for undergraduate students. Later (1956-61), he was with the Institute of Telecommunications and Acoustics of the same University. Here, he was involved in the development of electronic equipment, among others the prototypes of a transistor receiver and a multilingual wireless conference system, the first ones in the country.

During the years 1969-85, he served as Professor at the Institute of Electrical Metrology. Here, he provided regular lecture courses on high frequency measuring techniques and instrumentation and on electronic circuits, for graduate and undergraduate students. He promoted seven Doctors and served as examiner for other thirty Ph.D. candidates. As a member of numerous Scientific Councils, he participated in drafting the engineering education programs and policy. For that activities he received a number of awards.


Publications and patents. Professor Struzak authored or co-authored more than 100 papers in technical and scientific journals and conference records and more than 10 books or book chapters. The book "Electromagnetic Compatibility in Radio Engineering", published first in Polish, was translated into English and enjoyed excellent reviews. He also produced numerous technical analyses, reports and drafts, now included, wholly or in part, in official documentation of various national and international organizations. He authored or co-authored 10 patents.

Awards. Professor Struzak received a number of awards:

Decorations. The list of Professor Struzak's decorations includes the Cavalier's Cross Polonia Restituta (1982), The Gold Cross of Merit (1968), The Golden Honor Mark of Distinction of the Polish Association of Electrical Engineers (1981), The Gold Honor Emblem of Meritorious Staff of Ministry of Telecommunications (1969) and other decorations.

Education, Degrees, Titles. Ryszard Struzak studied in Poland, first Electrical Engineering at the Technical University of Lodz (1950-51) and then Telecommunications at the Technical University of Wroclaw (1951-56). He received his Engineer's degree in 1954, and M.Sc. Degree in 1956, both from the Technical University of Wroclaw. He got his Ph.D. in 1962, and D.Sc. in 1968, both from the Technical University of Warsaw. He obtained the title of Associate Professor in 1975 and that of (Full) University Professor in 1985.

Languages: English, French, Polish (mother tongue), and Russian

Other activities & membership

Chairman (1981-82), Technical Council of the Union of National Radio and TV Broadcasting Stations (Council dissolved in 1982 by the martial law)

Chairman (1978-85), Polish Academy of Sciences, Committee of Electronics and Telecommunications, EMC Sub-Committee, Member (1969-78)

V-Chairman (1971-85), National Standards Commission on RFI

Fellow (1985- ), The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE), Senior Member (1979-85)

Member (1997- ), International Telecommunication Academy (ITA), Moscow

Member (1972-76), Technical Council of the Center for Electronic Measurements and Automatics

Member (1976-84), Technical Council of the Minister of Telecommunications

Member (1979-82), Technical Council of the Center for Radio Reception Techniques

Member (1982-84), Technical Council of the National Radio and TV Committee

Member (1993-94), The New York Academy of Sciences (NYAS)

Member ('53 -'85), The Association of Electrical Engineers (SEP)

Member ('63 -'85), The Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Sciences (PTETiS)

Member ('73 -'85), Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Wroclaw (WTN)

Military service. After the military training during studies, Dr. Struzak was called to military duties in the Army from 1961 until 1963. He served as Staff Officer in the Radiolocation Corps.

Listed-in. Professor Struzak is listed in Who is Who in the Word, Who is Who in Engineering, Who is Who in International Affairs, Who is Who in the United Nations and Related Agencies, Who is Who in Science in Europe, American Men and Women of Science, Dictionary of International Biography, Who is Who in Switzerland, and in other similar publications.

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