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Substantive Committees

The Conference consists of 4 statutory committees, 2 substantive committees, and 2 working groups of the plenary.

The Conference is chaired by Mr Roger Smith (Australia) assisted by 5 vice-chairmen: Mr John W. Bryant (USA), Mr Malcolm Johnson (UK), Mr Alexandre Kroupnov (Russia), Mr Nacer Benjelloun-Touimi (Morocco) and Mr Seiji Tanaka (Japan).

The statutory committees are: Steering committee, Credential Committee, Budget control Committee and Editorial Committee.

Statutory Committees  
Steering committee composed of the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen of the Conference and of the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of the other Committees and of the Working Groups of the Plenary
Credential Committee Chairman: Mr Adolar Mapunda (Tanzania)
Vice-Chairman: Mr Fuqi He (China)
Budget control Committee Chairman: Mr Mark Landsmann (Ukraine)
Vice-Chairman: Mr P.G.T. Touré (Senegal)
Editorial Committee Chairperson: Mrs Anne-Marie Nebes (France)
Vice-Chairmen: Mr Michael Goddard (UK)
Mr Vicente Rubio Carretón (Spain)

The substantive committees, the working groups of the plenary and their work programme are as follows:

Committee/Working Group


Agenda Item

Working Group of the Plenary 1 Agenda 5   to review, and take appropriate action on, the report from the Radiocommunication Assembly
Chairman: Mr Hugh Railton (New Zealand) Agenda 6   to identify those items requiring urgent actions by the radiocommunication study groups in preparation for the 1999 World Radiocommunication Conference
  Agenda 8 ¾ to consider and approve the report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since the last Conference,
      ¾ to recommend to the Council items for inclusion in the agenda for the WRC-99, and to give its views on the preliminary agenda for the 2001 Conference and on possible agenda items for future conferences

Working Group of the Plenary 2
Mr David M. Leive (USA)

Agenda item 7   to consider the final report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau on activities related to Resolution 18 (Kyoto, 1994) on the review of ITU’s frequency coordination and planning framework for satellite networks
Committee 4: Regulatory and Associated Issues  


  Mr Eberhard George (Germany)


  Mr H.K. Al-Shankiti (Saudi Arabia)
    Mrs Salma Jalife Villalón (Mexico)


  Mr R.N. Agarwal (India)
Simplified Radio Regulations Agenda item 1.2   issues remaining from WRC-95 including consideration of the Voluntary Group of Expert (VGE) Report on the simplification of the Radio Regulations
Review of the references to ITU-R Recommendations in the Radio Regulations Agenda 2   to examine the revised ITU-R Recommen- dations incorporated by reference in the Radio Regulations and decide whether or not to update the corresponding references in the Radio Regulations
Changes to the Radio Regulations as a result of WRC 97 decisions Agenda item 3   to consider such consequential changes and amendments to the Radio Regulations as may be necessitated by the decisions of the Conference
Review of ITU’s frequency coordination and planning framework for satellite networks Agenda item 7   to consider the final report of the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau on activities related to Resolution 18 (Kyoto, 1994) on the review of ITU’s frequency coordination and planning framework for satellite networks


  Mr Richard Swanson (USA)
Adaptive Systems Agenda item 1.5   based on the results of the studies to be carried out under Recommendation 720 (WRC-95) on techniques aimed at optimizing the use of fixed and mobile services in the HF and MF bands through frequency agile equipment and digital signal processing, consider changes to the Radio Regulations, as appropriate
Maritime services Agenda item 1.6   matters related to the maritime mobile and maritime mobile satellite services


  Mr Ian Davey (UK)
HFBC and Article S12 Agenda item 1.4   examination of, and taking necessary decisions on, the question of the HF bands allocated to the broadcasting service
4D:   Chairman:   Mr Ralph Zeitoun (Canada)
Appendices S30/30A Agenda item 1.10   review of Appendices 30 (S30) and 30A (S30A) for Regions 1 and 3 (Direct Broadcasting Satellite)
Committee 5: Allocations and Associated Issues  


  Mrs Veena Rawat (Canada)
Vice-Chairpersons:   Mr C.T. Van Diepenbeek (The Netherlands)
    Mr Nabil Kisrawi (Syria)


  Mr Robert Taylor (USA)
Space Sciences Services Agenda item 1.9.2   Resolutions 211 (WARC-92), 710 (WARC-92) and Resolution 712 (Rev.WRC-95) on the sharing criteria between the mobile services and the space science services, on the change of status of the allocation for the meteorological-satellite and earth exploration-satellite services in the bands 401-402 MHz and 403-404 MHz and on additional allocations for certain applications of the space science services
  Agenda item 1.9.4   frequency allocation issues related to the needs of the Earth exploration-satellite service, which are not covered elsewhere in the agenda
  Agenda item 1.9.5   allocations to the space research service (space-to-space) near 400 MHz


  Mr Yasuhiko Ito (Japan)
MSS and FSS Agenda item 1.9.1   issues concerning existing and possible additional frequency allocations and regulatory aspects as related to the mobile-satellite and fixed-satellite services


  Mr Nabil Kisrawi (Syria)
Other Matters: Wind Profilers Agenda item 1.9.3   Recommendation 621 (WARC-92) on Implementation of Wind Profile Radars at Frequencies near 50MHz, 400MHz and 1000MHz
Aeronautical Services Agenda item 1.8   the possible deletion of all secondary allocations from the band 136 –137 MHz, which is allocated to the aeronautical mobile (R) service on a primary basis
High Density Fixed >30GHz Agenda item 1.9.6   the identification of suitable frequency bands above 30 GHz for use by the fixed service for high-density applications
Spurious Emissions Agenda item 1.7   review of Appendix 8 to the Radio Regulations taking into account Recommendation 66 (Rev.WARC-92)
Revision of footnotes Agenda item 1.1   requests from administrations to delete their country footnotes or to have their country's name deleted from footnotes, if no longer required
Appendix 28 (S7) Agenda item 1.3   review of Appendix 28 of the Radio Regulations taking in to account Resolution 60 (WARC 79), Resolution 712 (as revised by WRC 95 and Recommendation 711 (WARC 79)

Agenda item 4 to be handled by all Committees and Working Groups as appropriate

to review those resolutions and recommendations of world administrative radio conferences and world radiocommunication conferences which are relevant to agenda items 1 and 2 above with a view to possible revision, replacement or abrogation.