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(as approved by the third meeting of the Steering Committee)


Early Morning

Morning session

Lunch session

Afternoon session

Late afternoon

22 March

Registration and collection
of documents (08.00 - 18.00)

15.00: Informal meeting of the heads of delegations 17.00: First session on gender issues
23 March
   Registration and collection of documents (08.00 - 10.00)

9.30 Meeting of heads of delegation

10.30 Opening ceremony

11.30 Plenary

   14.30: Plenary:

Telecommunication development in the world: trends and strategies (statements by Government and industry leaders)

18.00: Steering Committee
24 March
  9.00 Plenary:

Telecommunication development in the world: trends and strategies (continued)

   14.00: Plenary 17.30: Steering Committee
25 March
08.00: World Bank presentation 9.00: Plenary 13.00: Second session on gender issues 14.00: Committee A (Policies and strategies)

14.00: Budget Control Committee

15.00: Working Group on the Valletta Action plan

26 March
   9.00: Committee B
(Development of networks)

9.00: Working Group on the Valletta Action plan

   14.00: Committee A (Policies and strategies) or sub-committee (sub-committee 1: Sector reform/sub-committee 2: Finance, economics and partnerships) 17.30: Steering Committee
27 March
   9.00-12.00: Committee B
(Development of networks)

11.00-12.00: Telecommunication Development Advisory Board

12.00-14.00: Third session on gender issues 14.00-17.00: Working Group (Private Sector)

14.30-15.30: Plenary

15.30-17.30: Sub-Committee A2 (Finance, economics and partnerships)

18.30-21.30: Sub-Committee A2 (Finance, economics and partnerships)
28 March
   9.00-12.00: Sub-Committee A2 (Finance, economics and partnerships)

9.30 onwards:
Working Group
(Valletta Action Plan)

Sub-Working Group (Strategic Plan)

   14.00-17.00: Committee B (Development of networks)

14.00 onwards: Working Group (Least Developed Countries)

14.00 onwards:
Working Group
(Valletta Action Plan)

Sub-Working Group (Valletta Declaration)

30 March
   9.00: Committee B (Development of networks)

9.00-12.00: Working Group (Private Sector)

   14.00-15.30: Budget Control Committee

15.30-17.00: Plenary

Steering Committee:

17.30-18.30: Presentation on ITU Publications

18.30-21.30: Working Group (Valletta Action Plan)

31 March
   9.00-12.00: Plenary    14.00-17.00: Plenary   
1 April
   9.00-12.00: Plenary    14.00-17.00: Plenary

Closing ceremony