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World Radiocommunication Conference 2000

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Address by His Excellency Mr Enis Öksüz
Minister of Transport and Communications of Turkey
At the opening session of the Radiocommunication Assembly
1 May 2000

Mr. Secretary General, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, I have the pleasure of welcoming you to the World Radiocommunication Conference WRC-2000 and the Radiocommunication Assembly RA-2000 of which we are now having the Opening Ceremony. It is a great pleasure for us to host these two very important events in Istanbul, Turkey, for the very first time in the history of ITU.

There are very big changes and developments in Turkey in the telecommunications field in recent years in parallel with the developments all over the world. In this respect, in 1997 our Government has decided to host one of the World Radiocommunication Conferences in Turkey and after the actions taken by Turkish delegation to the Plenipotentiary Conference held in Minneapolis-USA in 1998, the Conference decided to hold the World Radiocommunication Conference-2000 and related Radiocommunication Assembly in Turkey between 1 May – 2 June 2000.

As many of you are aware, Istanbul has been the center of many civilizations throughout the history. While serving as the capital of many countries throughout centuries Istanbul continuously developed also during the 20th and has become a very big city with its 10 million population.

Now we are all in Istanbul and opening this very important Assembly. By reiterating the technical and technological importance of WRC-2000 and RA-2000, I would like to welcome everybody to Istanbul and Turkey once again. I wish a very successful and fruitful Assembly and Conference in coming weeks to all our colleagues coming from all over the world.

This text is also available in Turkish

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