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Useful information about Istanbul

NB: The following links contain much useful practical information for people travelling to Istanbul. However, please understand that when you click on any of them you will be leaving the ITU website, and that ITU cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of any information provided.
 On-site Services provided by ISEVV including shuttle buses and airport transfers
 Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Centre (ICEC)
Weather Forecasts:  Istanbul city guide

City guides:  http://www.istanbulcityguide.com/

General Tourist 

Hotels:  http://www.istanbulhotels.com/
    NB: not exhaustive! See also the City guides above
Pictures:  http://www.balsoy.com/Turkiye/inpictures/si/Istanbul.html
Shopping:  http://www.screamingshopper.com/
Tours:  http://www.isevv.com/

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Last Modified: 2002-04-09