World Telecommunication Day 1999

IHT September 21, 1999

Electronic Commerce: Building a Global Market is a joint initiative of the International Telecommunication Union and the International Herald Tribune. It was produced in its entirety by the Advertising Department of the International Herald Tribune.

Electronic Commerce: Building a Global Market

The Building Blocks of a New Architecture

Anyone who doubts the escalating impact of the Internet economy should glance at a recent study by the University of Texas. Funded by Cisco Systems, the report discloses that on-line commerce generated $301 billion in U.S. sales last year and currently supports a workforce of 1.2 million people. In fact, Internet commerce is now worth more than the telecommunications sector ($270 billion) and is not far behind the automobile industry ($350 billion)
September 21, 1999 The Full Story

Making Up the Rules as the Game Goes Along

While ''This Bud's for you'' is a well-known American advertising slogan, it does not work on the World Wide Web. On the Internet, ''you'' could be anyone in the world (which is fine for a purveyor of beer), but the question is, ''Which Bud is this?'' Is it the Budweiser beer brewed by Anheuser-Busch in the United States, where the slogan originated, or the beverage brewed in Ceske Budejovice, a town in the Czech Republic, which is also called Budweiser and has a long tradition?
September 21, 1999 The Full Story

The Explosion of the Electronic Shopping Mall

By the year 2002, Internet shopping is expected to generate at least $1 trillion in sales, with some estimates as high as $3 trillion. A range of products and services has already proven Web-friendly: banking, travel services, software and music, not to mention computer hardware, books, clothes, flowers, pizza and even Tupperware.
September 21, 1999 The Full Story

Making the Internet Safe for the Marketplace

In cyberspace, as elsewhere, fools and their money are soon parted. Computer shopping provides both purchaser and purveyor with new products and services. But a third party - the criminal element - can also spot potential. Mail and phone scams are now found on-line, as technology makes possible new ways to hoodwink consumers.
September 21, 1999 The Full Story

Fighting On-Line Fraud

National Fraud Information Center ( The NFIC's Internet Fraud Watch was launched in 1996 to help consumers distinguish between legitimate and bogus cyberspace promotions and report fraud to law-enforcement agencies. It provides tips, articles and other information to protect privacy and help consumers navigate the Net safely.
September 21, 1999 The Full Story

A Key Tool for Developing Economies

Aplethora of on-line electronic commerce sites is accessible to anyone with electricity, a telephone, a computer, an Internet service provider and some form of electronically acceptable payment. But e-commerce potential in the developing world is frequently hampered by a lack of one or more conveniences often taken for granted in most developed countries.
September 21, 1999 The Full Story