World Telecommunication Day 1999

IHT October 12, 1999

Tracking Telecoms 99: Interactive Learning

Schools Getting Wired to Learn

Countries around the world are working to integrate the latest communications technologies, including the Internet, into their education systems. Governments, educational institutions, private enterprises and international organizations are all involved in these developments.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story

One-Room Schoolhouse Goes Global

The power of knowledge is stretching to the far corners of the most secluded continents, thanks to the untethered reach of the Internet. True to its heritage of linking academia, the Net is the base for many international efforts aimed at disseminating educational opportunities.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story

The Next Frontier: The Quest for Internet 2

Two colleagues working together to develop a new device examine their latest prototype. It is an everyday occurrence in academia, except that these colleagues are thousands of miles apart. The collaborators are taking part in the Tele-Immersion Initiative of the Central Laboratories unit of Internet 2, a consortium of universities and corporations developing applications for the next-generation Internet.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story

The Virtual Doctor Is In

Expanding high-speed telecommunications networks, increased use of information technology systems and the dramatic proliferation of the Internet all hold out the promise of cheaper, faster and more expert health care. And, in the not-too-distant future, it may be that robotic machines will be diagnosing patient ailments and even treating some of them.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story

Japan: Connecting for Web-Savvy Schools

The goal of the Japanese government is simple. It aims to connect every school in the country to the Internet over the next few years in order to close the Net gap between Japan and major Western industrialized countries. An advisory panel to Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi recommended earlier this year that all schools be connected to the Internet by 2005.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story

Closing the Education Gap On-Line

While thousands of high-tech jobs go unfilled in Europe and North America because potential employees have not been trained in the required skills, the world's poorest nations struggle with a more pressing educational deficiency more than 1.5 billion illiterates, by conservative estimates.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story

Kids Connect: Holiday on the Net

Snow and ice are not often associated with computers and the Internet, but for one class of French schoolchildren, they all came together to provide them and their parents with a memorable winter vacation. Last year, 21 students aged 10 and 11 from the Charles Peguy elementary school in Colombes in the Hauts-de-Seine region near Paris were sent on a winter sports holiday.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story

Learning at the Click of a Mouse

From grammar school to graduate school to postgraduate education, the United States is leading the world in the development of on-line education. And if current plans come to fruition, American students will sprint even further ahead than their international counterparts.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story

Live from Telecom 99: European Backbone Network Launched

The opening of the first stage of a 300 million euro ($320 million) backbone connecting 40 metropolitan areas in 16 European countries was announced by France Telecom during the first full day of Telecom 99 and Interactive 99 in Geneva.
Oct. 12, 1999 The Full Story