ITU Newsroom




World Telecommunication Day 2000

This year’s World Telecommunication Day will be held on 17 May under the theme Mobile Communications.

Resolution 68 of the Minneapolis Plenipotentiary Conference invites ITU Member States to celebrate the Day annually by organizing appropriate national programmes with a view to:

 - stimulating reflection and exchange of ideas on the theme;
 - debating the various aspects of the theme with all partners in society;
 - formulating a report reflecting national discussions on the issues underlying the theme.

This year’s theme aims to highlight the challenges and opportunities of mobile communications, and in particular cellular mobile, in a global information society.

Governments and industry can debate a host of policy and regulatory issues.

  • How can wireless communications improve access in rural and underserved areas in light of the ease at which wireless networks can be deployed?
  • How can wireless networks be deployed without affecting the long-term expansion of the fixed networks when the subscriber base is small?
  • How can the profitability of mobile cellular services be used to improve wireline development targets?
  • What tariffs are best to ensure the viability of the operator while reaching the average citizen in most developing countries?
  • In densely populated areas, how can spectrum management issues be faced as a result of their widespread use?
  • Will the upcoming availability of third generation mobile systems that will provide broadband services including e-commerce, create better opportunities for developing countries to join the digital economy?
  • What strategies will be best to take advantage of the third generation of mobile systems when second generation networks have barely been deployed? What about the possible health hazards of mobile phone handsets, the environmental nuisance of antennas or the use and misuse of mobile phones?




Letter to Member States


Letter to Sector Members


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Last Modified: 2002-04-09