Informal Group


Geneva, 14 February 1997

Comments of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (Japan) (International
Affairs Department) on the Memorandum of Understanding

It was a very great pleasure for me to receive the revised Chairman's Report of the First World Telecommunication Policy Forum which you and your staff drafted.

The report reflects the results of the three-day discussion among many governments and industries, and contains the carefully considered opinions on points of great importance for the speedy global implementation of GMPCS services, to the benefit of all the world's citizens.

The Policy Forum clearly achieved its goal of reaching a shared vision among the various regulatory authorities and GMPCS operators concerning the early implementation of the system. This remarkable consensus having been reached, we can now look forward to building the new GMPCS infrastructure.

At the same time, the adoption of the report has demonstrated how the ITU can perform very valuable coordinating and policy making functions. The first WTPF was a complete success, and there can be no doubt that further forums will build on its achievement.

Also, as the proposing country for this forum, Japan would like to thank you all for your great praise and heartfelt words of support over the past three days to Mr. Utsumi, the Chairman of the Kyoto Plenipotentiary Conference and the advocate of this Policy Forum. Hopefully this valuable experience will benefit the second Policy Forum. I believe that there are vast opportunities to show the new role of the ITU as we enter the twenty-first century.

We studied the revised Chairman's Report, which we have received from the ITU Secretary-General, and Japan has a few comments of editorial modifications and some clarification on Opinion 4.

1 Modification

Please correct the name of M. Yoshida on page 2 (Part 1.6 c)) from Kuzuo Yoshida to Kazuo Yoshida.

To clarify that the object to facilitate international circulation is GMPCS terminals, we propose changing the current title to "Establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate the free circulation of the user terminals of Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite (GMPCS)". If the title is altered in accordance with our proposal, the meaning of Opinion 4 will not change.

2 Clarification on Opinion 4, Establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding to facilitate the free circulation of Global Mobile Personal Communications by Satellite user terminals (GMPCS)

We would like to clarify the following points concerning MoU Schedule in the paragraph "requests the Secretary-General" of Opinion 4.

Paragraph 2

Let us know how many times this "informal group" will be convened?

Paragraph 4

With respect to "the Secretary-General hosts the first meeting of the signatories and intended signatories to GMPCS-MoU during the first semester of 1997", under each article of MoU would an arrangement be developed? If so, who will develop the draft of these arrangements?
