Memorandum of Understanding-GMPCS
(Geneva, 17-18 July 1997)


Working Document 4B-E
17 July 1997
Original: English


Type Approval and Marking

Mutual Undertakings

1. On Type Approval and Marking of GMPCS Terminals
(GMPCS MoU Articles 1 and 3)

Recognizing the foregoing, the Administrations, ITU Sector Members, GMPCS System Operators, GMPCS Service Providers, and GMPCS Terminal Manufacturers implementing this Arrangement agree that:

1. GMPCS Terminals may be required to meet the following requirements (hereinafter referred to as "essential requirements"):

a) Safety;

b) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC); and

c) Effective use of the radio spectrum and orbital resources, including electromagnetic interference (EMI).

2. Compliance with the above essential requirements may be demonstrated by conformity to appropriate ITU-R Recommendations, international, regional, or national standards, or technical specifications. Manufacturers may, at the discretion of the relevant Administration, be allowed to demonstrate compliance by other means.

  1. National administrative procedures for type approval will be publicly available, non-discriminatory, and consistent with the objectives of these Arrangements. It is recommended that Administrations consider whether compliance can be demonstrated through a declaration from the GMPCS Terminal Manufacturer without additional procedures.
  2. An Administration that has issued type approval pursuant to these Arrangements for a class of GMPCS Terminals is encouraged to notify the ITU, upon the request of the GMPCS Terminal Manufacturer, specifying:

    a. Name of the Administration;
    b. Name of GMPCS Equipment Manufacturer;
    c. Name of GMPCS System Operator;
    d. Model number(s) or similar identifying information of GMPCS Terminal(s); and
    e. The date type approval was granted.

Administrations are also encouraged to submit to the ITU copies of the standards, specifications, and/or procedures used for type approval.

5. Upon request by a GMPCS Terminal Manufacturer, an Administration that has notified the ITU that it has implemented these Arrangements and that has issued type approval for a class of GMPCS Terminals pursuant to these Arrangements will authorize a GMPCS Terminal Manufacturer to affix the "GMPCS MoU" mark to each GMPCS Terminal that is identical to the unit that was type approved (and will promptly so notify the ITU, including the information listed in 4 (a)-(e) immediately above), if the following conditions are met:

a. The GMPCS System Operator with which the subject GMPCS Terminal is to be used has notified the ITU that it has implemented these Arrangements and that it has authorized the subject GMPCS Terminal for connection to its GMPCS System; and

b. The GMPCS Terminal Manufacturer has notified the ITU that it has implemented these Arrangements.

6. Administrations may accept the type approval granted by other Administrations (through Mutual Recognition Agreements or other reciprocal arrangements, or by recognition and acceptance of the GMPCS MoU mark or any other mark evidencing type approval) without the need for additional testing or the submission of test reports. Administrations are encouraged to accept, whenever possible, existing test reports.

7. Administrations should continue to pursue negotiations on recognition and/or harmonization of type approval regimes to facilitate the objectives of these Arrangements.

8. The GMPCS MoU mark will be no larger than 1 cm high by 1 cm wide and will include the words "GMPCS MoU" and the name of the GMPCS System for which the GMPCS Terminal's use has been authorized. The mark shall be affixed indelibly on the GMPCS Terminal in such a way that it cannot be removed and placed on other equipment.