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Biography of Ms. Isabelle ABELE-WIGERT, Research Fellow, New Security Risks Research Unit, Center for Security Studies, ETZ Zurich

Ms. Isabelle Abele-Wigert is research fellow at the Center for Security Studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zurich). She is part of the Center’s Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Management Network (CRN) team.

Ms. Abele-Wigert has written on Critical Information Infrastructure Protection (CIIP), focusing on national policy approaches to CIIP. Together with her colleague Myriam Dunn, she is co-author of the CIIP Handbook, which is published every two years. Ms. Abele-Wigert has a Master’s degree from the University of Zurich (modern history, political science and English literature).

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Biography of Ms. Sarah ANDREWS, Policy Analyst Consumer Policy, Privacy and Information Security, OECD

Ms. Sarah Andrews is an official at the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) in Paris where she serves as Secretary to the Committee on Consumer Protection.

Prior to joining the OECD she worked as research director for the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, D.C. She holds an LL.M. in International Law from Georgetown University Law Center, Washington, D.C. and an LL.B. from University College Cork, Ireland.

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Biography of Mr. Bertrand de la CHAPELLE, Editor, WSIS Online, Civil Society Representative
An entrepreneur and a diplomat, Mr. Bertrand de la Chapelle is a co-animator of the OpenWSIS Initiative since its foundation in December 2002. A former advisor to the French Minister for European Affairs, co-founder of Virtools and former member of the G8 DOT Force, he devoted two years in 2001-2002 to the study of multi-stakeholder mechanisms for global governance.

Mr. de la Chapelle is a graduate from Ecole Polytechnique (1981), Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (1983) and an alumni of Ecole Nationale d'Administration (1986).

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Biography of Mr. Charles GEIGER, Executive Director, WSIS Executive Secretariat
Mr. Charles Geiger, a Swiss national, has been the Executive Director of WSIS since November 2004. The Executive Director played a key role in managing and leading the Executive Secretariat of the World Summit on the Information Society.

Mr. Geiger was deputed by his government to the Executive Secretariat in 2001, and has been serving as Assistant Executive Director since January 2004. Mr. Geiger served previously as a diplomat with the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was posted at Berne, Brussels and Tegucigalpa.

Since 1989 he served as Chief Legal Adviser of SDC, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. From 1995 to 1997 he was acting Director Administration and Finance of SDC. His last posting was Resident Coordinator of SDC in Bangalore, India from 1997 to 2001. Mr. Geiger was born in Paris, France, in 1949. He graduated in law (Master of Law, LLM) from Zurich University in 1977 and was admitted as advocate to the bar by the Zurich High Court in 1980.

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Biography of Mr. Marc GOODMAN, Senior Advisor, Interpol Steering Committee on Information Technology Crime
Mr. Marc Goodman has worked extensively with Interpol, the International Criminal Police Organization, headquarters in Lyon, France and currently serves as the Senior Advisor to Interpol's Steering Committee on Information Technology Crime.

While at Interpol, Mr. Goodman has coordinated and managed Interpol's program on Criminal Threats to Electronic Commerce. In that role, he helped Interpol develop its global strategy on e-commerce crime and represented Interpol in Vienna at the United Nations Conference on Crimes Related to the Computer Network. In December 2000, Mr. Goodman was asked by the Interpol Secretariat to serve as the co-chair of Interpol's 4th International Conference on Cybercrime in France and did so again at the 5th International Conference in 2002 in Seoul, South Korea.

Mr. Goodman works frequently with police forces and governments in Europe, Asia, the Middle East and Africa on a variety of topics related to cybercrime and information security. Mr. Goodman has also researched computer crime at the London School of Economics' Computer Security Research Centre.

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Biography of Mr. Seymour GOODMAN, Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology, United States of America
Mr. Seymour (Sy) E. Goodman is Professor of International Affairs and Computing at the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs and the College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology. He also serves as Co-Director of the Center for International Strategy, Technology, and Policy and Co-Director of the Georgia Tech Information Security Center.

Prof. Goodman studies international developments in the information technologies and related public policy issues. In this capacity, he has published well over 150 articles and served on many government and industry advisory and study committees. He has been the International Perspectives editor for the Communications of the ACM for the last seventeen years.

Immediately before coming to Georgia Tech, Prof. Goodman was the director of the Consortium for Research in Information Security and Policy (CRISP), jointly with the Center for International Security and Cooperation and the School of Engineering, Stanford University. He has held appointments at the University of Virginia (Applied Mathematics, Computer Science, Soviet and East European Studies), The University of Chicago (Economics), Princeton University (The Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Mathematics), and the University of Arizona (MIS, Middle Eastern Studies). Prof. Goodman was an undergraduate at Columbia University, and obtained his Ph.D. from the California Institute of Technology.

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Biography of Mr. John HARRISON, Independent Consultant, National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre (NISCC), United Kingdom
Mr. Harrison has experience in providing security services in both the private and public sector, and currently provides consultancy services to the UKs National Infrastructure Security Co-ordination Centre (NISCC) on developing the WARP trusted information sharing model to address the threat from electronic attack against information systems. He has also been responsible for producing reports for NISCC on various aspects of the telecommunications infrastructure in relation to resilience and an electronic attack.

Until 2000, Mr. Harrison’s career spanned 34 years with BT, mostly in an R&D security environment working on leading edge telecommunications and IT solutions. In 1996, John took leadership of the team within BT to address the emerging threat from electronic attack against the telecommunications critical national infrastructure, a position he held for 4 years.

Mr. Harrison has worked with Intellect, the UK ICT trade association, on many information security projects, including the Web Security Guidelines, eAwareness for Europe and SAINT (Security Alliance for the Internet and New Technologies). Mr. Harrison spent over a year developing SAINT before the prospectus was launched by the Minister for e-Commerce.

Mr. Harrison is now on the executive board of SAINT – Most recently he drafted the proposal for the first Global Watch Mission to the US on Information security and was part of the delegation which presented back at Infosec in April 2006. John has delivered presentations in Europe, the Middle East, the US and the UK, and has experience in a variety of event roles including Presenter, Chairman and Rapporteur, including Chairman of the International IEEE CQR (Security) Conferences in the US and the SecurIT Summit 2003 and 2004 in Switzerland

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Biography of Mr. Tim KELLY, Head, Strategy and Policy Unit, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Dr. Tim Kelly is Head of the Strategy and Policy Unit of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), where he has worked since 1993.

Before joining ITU he spent five years as a Communications Policy Analyst with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and three years with Logica Consultancy Ltd. He has an MA (Hons) degree in Geography and a Ph.D in industrial economics from Cambridge University.

Over the last eighteen years, Dr Kelly has specialised in the economics of the telecommunications industry. He has written or co-authored more than 20 books on the subject including the ITU's "World Telecommunication Development Reports" and “Internet Reports” series.

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Biography of Ms. Margaret KILLERBY, Head of the Department of Crime Problems, DGI, Council of Europe
Ms. Margaret Killerby is a British lawyer working in the Directorate General of Legal Affairs in the Council of Europe. She has dealt with many different legal issues and was Head of the Department of Private Law, Head of the Department of Legal Advice and Treaty Office and is now Head of the Department of Crime Problems.

The Department of Crime Problems seeks solutions to fight most forms of serious crime such as corruption, organised crime, moneylaundering, sexual exploitation of children and cybercrime. This work is carried out by standard setting (e.g. Conventions), monitoring (e.g. corruption, moneylaundering) and technical assistance to enable countries to meet the standards which have been set. Other work concerns prosecutors, police and prisons.

An important activity of the Department concerns the fight against cybercrime and this Department is responsible for the follow-up to the Convention on cybercrime and the Cybercrime Convention Committee (T-CY). This Convention is already in force and is destined to be a world wide instrument. It has received widespread support from the different world regions and has been extensively used as a model law and as a basis for training.

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Biography of Mr. Tomas LAMANAUSKAS, Deputy Director, Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT)
Mr. Tomas Lamanauskas is a deputy director of the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania (RRT). In November, 2005 the President of the Republic appointed him to the Council of the RRT. Mr. Lamanauskas is also the Liaison Officer for the European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) in Lithuania.

Mr. Lamanauskas was awarded the Master in Law degree by the University of Vilnius (Lithuania). Since 2002 he has continued his studies as a post-graduate (doctoral) student at the same University.

Between 1999 and 2001 Lamanauskas worked as legal adviser for UAB “Lietuvos telekomo verslo sprendimai” (Lithuanian Telecom’s Business Solutions) – a subsidiary of the Lithuanian incumbent public fixed telephony operator. In 2001 he joined the newly created Lithuanian Communications Regulatory Authority (RRT), a national authority responsible for regulation of electronic communications as well as postal sectors, as the head of the Legal Section. Since 2004 Mr. Lamanauskas is a deputy director of the RRT.

Since 2002 Mr. Lamanauskas has lectured courses related to information technology and telecommunications law in various subsidiaries of Vilnius University (Law Faculty, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, International Business School). Mr. Lamanauskas has been involved in drafting all major pieces of Lithuanian primary legislation related to information technology and telecommunications law, including the Law on Electronic Signature, the 2003 Law on Telecommunications, the 2004 Law on Electronic Communications, the Law on Information Society Services, the Concept Law on Consumer Rights’ Protection, the draft Law on Provision Information to the Public and the draft Concept Law as well as the draft Law on the Electronic Communications Networks and Information Security .

Mr. Lamanauskas made over 30 presentations in national and international conferences as well as published a number of articles in various national and regional journals in the field of ICT. He is also the co-author of the books “Information technology law”, “Electronic communications law” as well as “Information Society Law” that are the first publications on the relevant topics in Lithuania.

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Biography of Michele MARKOFF, Senior Coordinator, International Critical Infrastructure Protection, Bureau of Political Military Affairs, United States Department of State

Ms. Michele Markoff, Senior Coordinator for International Critical Infrastructure Protection, Bureau of Political Military Affairs, U.S. Department of State

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Biography of Benoît MOREL, Professor, Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University
Mr. Benoît Morel is Professor, in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy with an additional appointment in Physics at the Carnegie Mellon University. Since earning his Ph.D., Dr. Morel has held appointments in physics at Harvard University as a Post-Doctoral Fellow, at CERN and University of Geneva, and at California Institute of Technology. His main subjects of interest were grand unified theories (supergravity in particular) After attending Caltech, he went to Stanford as a Science Fellow in arms control.

Dr. Morel joined the faculty at Carnegie Mellon University in 1987 in the Department of Engineering and Public Policy, with the Program on International Peace and Security. At Carnegie Mellon, his research interests have focused on military high technology, its impact on security and American defense policy. Dr. Morel is also interested in non-linear dynamic models, and the study of complex systems and chaos, with application to a variety of areas, such as immunology, fluid mechanics, organization theory, economics, pollution, and environment.

In recent years his main focus of interest has shifted to cybersecurity.

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Biography of Mr. Alexander NTOKO, Chief, E-Strategies Unit, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), ITU
Mr. Alexander Ntoko is the Chief of E-strategies Unit at the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau. His main responsibility includes the implementation ITU E-strategies Programme that has Cyber Security, E-Applications, E-Legislation and Internet Protocol as four (4) of the six (6) priorities areas for the Programme.

Mr. Ntoko's activities in IT security began in the late 80s in the United States where he obtained Bachelors and Master of Science degrees in Computer Science from the State University of New York in 1985 and 1987 respectively and specializing in Operating Systems and Data Communication Networks.

From the early 1990s while in the ITU Information Services Department, he played a key role in the introduction of IT security services to ITU especially in the domain of e-commerce. Since his move to the ITU Development Sector in 1998, he has implemented projects on cyber security based on Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) in a number of developing countries, organized and spoken at many international events, written papers on technology strategies for cyber security and has assisted many developing countries on technology strategies for cyber security in ICT applications (e.g., e-health, e-government, e-payment and e-business).

Mr. Ntoko is Cameroonian and has been with ITU HQ in Geneva for more than 15 years.

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Biography of Mr. Andrea PIROTTI, Executive Director, European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA)
Mr. Andrea Pirotti became the Executive Director of ENISA after making a statement to the European Parliament and replying to MEPs’ questions on 6 October, 2004.

In this position, Mr. Pirotti is responsible for, among other things, e.g:

   • Execute the Agency’s daily work
   • Drawing up a proposal for and implementing ENISA’s work programmes
   • Developing and maintaining contacts with the European Parliament, and its relevant committees, as well as the business community and consumers organisations.

These tasks are performed to reach the objective of enhancing the security of information systems of the European Union. Mr. Pirotti’s career includes a stint as Advisor to the Italian Minister of Communication on Network and Information Security. He has, moreover, a wide global security network of contacts, as former Vice President of Marconi.

Internationally, Mr. Pirotti has 27 years experience of various General Manager/Director positions for Marconi in e.g. Spain, Hong Kong/Taiwan, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur, South America, and Amman. Mr. Pirotti masters his native Italian, fluent English, good Portuguese and Spanish, fair French, has a basic understanding of German. He moreover possesses a University Degree in Strategic Science.  

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Biography of Mr. Suresh RAMASUBRAMANIAN, Manager, Antispam Operations, Outblaze
Mr. Suresh Ramasubramanian heads all anti-spam operations at Outblaze Limited, a Hong Kong based messaging and spam filtering provider that operates over 40 million email accounts. Suresh has several years of extensive experience in handling e-mail abuse and postmaster work.

He is furthermore coordinator of APCAUCE (the Asia Pacific wing of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email), as well being the vice chair of the management committee for APRICOT, the Asia Pacific Regional Conference on Operational Technologies. Mr. Ramasubramanian has been actively lobbying for realistic solutions at technological, legislative and policy levels to spam since 1998, and has written two papers on the spam problem, for the OECD and for APDIP/UNDP.

He is a regular speaker at conferences organized by the ITU, APECTEL and OECD as well as industry associations, and is regularly interviewed by the media on spam issues. BusinessWeek Magazine profiled him as one of 2002's top 25 e-business professionals.

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Biography of Mr. Art REILLY, Senior Director, Cisco Systems Inc., and Representative, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)

Mr. Art Reilly, Senior Director, Strategic Technology Policy in Cisco Systems’ Strategic Alliance/Consulting Engineering organization, is Cisco’s principal representative to the International Telecommunications Union and other UN activities on technology policy matters.

Mr. Reilly has successfully led nationally, regionally and globally efforts to promote voluntary, private-sector-led, market-driven standardization and to harmonize standards development. From 1984 until 1996, he held various leadership positions, including Chairman in the ANSI-accredited telecommunications networks standards committee sponsored by the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). He was one of the initial architects of the Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) process which began in 1990 and which regularly brings together telecom standards leaders from the North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia along with the ITU standards leaders.

As the business Vice Chair of the UN ICT Task Force, he provided leadership in promoting the achievement of the UN Millennium Declaration Goals (improving the quality of life for people around the world) through the use of information and communications technology. Art was a private sector leader in preparations for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and the UN Secretary General’s Working Group on Internet Governance through the International Commerce Commission (ICC) -facilitated Coordinating Committee of Business Interlocutors (CCBI). He is currently active in the ICC’s Electronic Business, Information Technology and Telecommunications (eBITT) Commission and private sector planning for the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) which was proposed at WSIS2005 and will meet for the first time in 2006. Since 1992, he has also served each of the Network Reliability and Interoperability Councils (NRIC) in advising the FCC in these areas as well as on topics such as reliability, interconnection, Y2K, and homeland security.

Mr. Reilly is also a past member of the Standards Board for the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the IEEE’s Charles Steinmetz Awards Committee. Among his awards, Mr. Reilly received the 2000 American National Standards Institute’s Richard Finegan medal for extraordinary leadership in the development and application of voluntary standards. In 2004, the IEEE presented him the Communications Quality and Reliability President’s Award. In 2006, he received the 1st President’s Award from the Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions (ATIS). Mr. Reilly has a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and a Master of Engineering degree from Cornell University. He is a member of Omicron Delta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, and Phi Kappa Phi.

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Biography of Ms. Janice RICHARDSON, European Safer internet Network (Insafe) Coordinator, European Schoolnet

Ms. Janice Richardson has worked as a teacher, university lecturer, training manager and consultant respectively in Australia, France and Luxembourg.

Author of two books and many articles on the pedagogical use of ICT and the development of information literacy, she led the Council of Europe’s editorial team to set up an online Internet literacy manual. In 2004 she moved to the European Schoolnet in Brussels, where she coordinates the European Safer Internet Network (Insafe) comprising 23 national awareness-raising nodes in 21 countries across Europe .

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Biography of Mr. Nabil SAHLI, Chief Executive Officer, National Agency for Computer Security, Tunisia
Professor Nabil Sahli is the CEO of the National Agency for Computer Security (NACS) in Tunisia. He was previously in charge of elaborating a National Strategy and Plan in IT security, which lead to the promulgation of an “original” law on IT Security and to the creation of the National Agency for Computer Security, and of a CSIRT, ISAC and CERT inside the NACS (CERT/TCC). He is now also the Head of CERT/TCC.

Mr. Sahli is a professor in Computer Science at the Navy Academy and Advisor of the Minister of Technologies of Communications. Past years, besides teaching in the university, he was scientific consultant of the International company Biodata IT AG Inc and founder of an R&D entity of this company in Tunisia, which produced several security products (PC Firewall Sphinx, Distributed Firewalls PCFire and Seventh, etc.). He is also author of several guides, papers and courses in IT security and redactor of the mailing-lists of the NACS.

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Biography of Mr. Stein SCHJOLBERG, Chief Judge, Moss Tingrett, Moss District Court, Norway

Mr. Stein Schjolberg is the Chief Judge at Moss Tingrett, a District Court in Norway and Editor of

Mr. Schjolberg is a former Assistant Commissioner of Police in Oslo, Norway. He was appointed as a Judge in 1983 and a Chief Judge in 1994. He has published widely on Computer Crime legislation and Judicial Decisions Support Systems. 

Some of Mr. Schjolbergs more recent talks related to cybercrime include speeches at The International Criminal Law Network, The Hague, The Netherlands (2005), International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland (2005), The 11th United Nations Crime Congress, Bangkok, Thailand (2005), Council of Europe Conference, Strasbourg, France (2004), Council of Europe Conference, Sinaia, Romania (2004), The Oslo Cybercrime Workshop, Oslo, Norway (2003), The 13th World Congress of Criminology, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2003), The Fifth Interpol International Conference on Computercrime, Seoul, Korea (2002), and a Conference on International Cooperation to Combat Cyber Crime and Terrorism, Stanford University, USA (1999).

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Biography of Mr. Georges SEBEK, Counsellor of ITU-T Study Group 17, ITU
To be added.

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Biography of Mrs. Betty-Ellen SHAVE, Assistant Deputy Chief, International Computer Crime, Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS), Criminal Division, Department of Justice, United States

Mrs. Betty-Ellen Shave is the Assistant Deputy Chief for International Computer Crime in the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the Criminal Division of the US Department of Justice.

She supervises the international aspects of CCIPS' criminal caseload; critical information infrastructure protection matters; training and speaking engagements; and policy-making. In addition, she is in charge of CCIPS' activities in many multilateral fora such as the European Commission, the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum, and the Organization of American States. Ms. Shave headed the US delegation to the High-Tech Crime Subgroup of the countries of the G8 for three years and participated actively in the negotiations of the draft Cybercrime Convention at the Council of Europe from the beginning in 1997.

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Biography of Mr. Robert SHAW, Deputy Head, Strategy and Policy Unit, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Mr. Robert Shaw is Deputy Head of the ITU Strategy and Policy Unit and senior advisor to the ITU Secretary-General on Internet strategy and policy issues.

He is responsible for identifying emerging technical, policy and regulatory issues in the information and communications technology environment and analyzing their impact on the activities of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). The ITU is an intergovernmental treaty organization with 189 Member States based in Geneva, Switzerland, responsible for the global development of telecommunication networks and services worldwide.

Mr. Shaw began his career at the ITU over 20 years ago. During this period he has represented ITU in numerous national, regional and global conferences and activities. He has a Masters Degree in Telecommunications from the Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands.

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Biography of Ms. Christine SUND, Policy Analyst, Strategy and Policy Unit, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Ms. Christine Sund is a Policy Analyst within the Strategy and Policy Unit of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). Ms. Sund is actively involved in ITU's activities related to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), Next Generation Networks (NGN), Internet Governance, Spam and Cybersecurity in a variety of capacities, ranging from policy research to organizing technical workshops and international conferences. Ms. Sund’s research interests further include business development and process optimization, the Internet of Things, and how to build confidence and trust in the use of ICTs.

Ms. Sund holds a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management (United States of America), an undergraduate degree in economics from the Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration (Finland) and diplomas from the University of Hong Kong and Beijing Language and Culture University (People's Republic of China).

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