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Home : ITU Plenipotentiary Conference : PP-02 : Elections
Elections Procedures



It was decided that there should be a single time limit for the submission of all candidatures. The deadline for submission of candidatures has been set for Friday, 27 September, 18:00 Marrakesh time. Elections will start on Tuesday, 1 October with the election of the Secretary-General.

Procedure for the election of the Secretary-General, the Deputy-Secretary General and the Directors of the Bureaux of the Sectors

  1. The Secretary-General, the Deputy-Secretary General and the Directors of the Bureaux of the Sectors shall be elected by secret ballot. The elections shall be conducted in two groups, the first being for the posts of Secretary-General and Deputy-Secretary General, and the second for the posts of the Directors of the Bureaux. The election of the Directors of the Bureaux shall not start until the election of the Secretary-General and Deputy-Secretary General has been completed.
  2. Proxy votes in accordance with Nos. 335 to 338 of the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union shall be permitted.
  3. Before proceeding to the vote, the chairman shall designate five tellers, one for each region.
  4. Before proceeding to the elections for a given group, each delegation having the right to vote shall receive a separate ballot paper for each of the posts included in the group, bearing the names of all candidates in French alphabetical order by last name, together with the names of the Member States having presented the candidates.
  5. Each delegation should indicate on its ballot paper the candidate it supports by placing an "X" in the box against the name of that candidate.
  6. Blank ballot papers shall be considered as abstentions. Ballot papers with more than one box marked, or bearing any mark other than "X" inside a box, or bearing any mark whatsoever outside the boxes, shall be considered as invalid and shall not be counted.
  7. Upon completion of the vote count, the chairman shall announce the results of the vote as follows:
    • number of delegations attending the conference and entitled to vote;
    • number of votes cast;
    • number of invalid ballot papers;
    • number of abstentions;
    • number of votes constituting the required majority;
    • number of votes obtained by each candidate, in ascending order of the number of votes;
    • name of the elected candidate, if any.
  8. Any candidate obtaining a majority of votes (see Nos. 72 and 73 of the Rules of Procedure of Conferences and other Meetings of the ITU) shall be declared elected.
  9. When the number of abstentions exceeds half the number of votes cast, the provisions of No. 78 of the Rules of Procedure of Conferences and other Meetings of the ITU shall apply.
  10. If, after the first ballot, no candidate has obtained the required majority, one or, if necessary, two further ballots shall be taken, such ballots being separated by intervals of at least six hours from the announcement of the results of the preceding ballot.
  11. If, after the third ballot, no candidate has obtained a majority, there shall, no earlier than twelve hours after the announcement of the results, be a fourth ballot in which the two candidates having the largest number of votes at the third ballot shall be voted upon.
  12. If, however, after the third ballot there is a tie between several candidates so that the two candidates to be voted upon at the fourth ballot cannot be determined, one or, if necessary, two additional ballots, after successive intervals of at least six hours from the announcement of the results, shall be first held to decide between the candidates in question.
  13. If there is a tie in both the additional ballots mentioned in paragraph 12 above, the chairman shall draw lots to determine the candidate or candidates to be selected from among those having obtained the same number of votes.
  14. If, after the last ballot, there is a tie, the chairman shall draw lots to determine the candidate elected.


Procedure for the election of the members of the Radio Regulations Board (RRB)

  1. Two members per region shall be elected for regions A, B and C, and three for regions D and E.
  2. The voting shall take place by secret ballot.
  3. Proxy votes in accordance with Nos. 335 to 338 of the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union shall be permitted.
  4. Before proceeding to the vote, the chairman shall designate five tellers, one for each region.
  5. Each delegation having the right to vote shall receive a ballot paper bearing the names, in French alphabetical order, of the candidates and, against the name of each candidate, the name of the Member States of the Union having presented the candidate, grouped into the regions A, B, C, D and E.
  6. Each delegation should indicate on its ballot paper the names of the candidates it supports by placing an "X" in the boxes against no more than two candidates for regions A, B and C and no more than three candidates for regions D and E.
  7. Ballot papers bearing more than the permitted number of "X" per region shall be considered invalid and shall not be counted for the region or regions concerned. Ballot papers bearing any mark other than an "X" inside a box or any mark whatsoever outside the boxes shall be considered as invalid and shall not be counted.
  8. After the vote is counted, a list shall be drawn up by the secretariat of the candidates in each region in decreasing order of the number of votes obtained. This list, after verification by the tellers, shall be presented to the chairman of the conference.
  9. The candidates (two for regions A, B and C and three for regions D and E) obtaining the largest number of votes shall be elected members of RRB.
  10. If necessary, a special ballot shall be held after an interval of at least six hours from the announcement of the results, in order to decide between candidates for the same region having received an equal number of votes.
  11. If there is a tie following a special ballot, the chairman shall draw lots to determine the candidate or candidates to be declared elected.


Procedure for the election of the 46 Member States of the Council

  1. The number of Member States of the Union to be elected to the Council from each of the regions - A, B, C, D and E - is as follows:
    • region A: 8
    • region B: 8
    • region C: 5
    • region D: 13
    • region E: 12
  2. The voting shall take place by secret ballot.
  3. Proxy votes in accordance with Nos. 335 to 338 of the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union shall be permitted.
  4. Before proceeding to the vote, the chairman shall designate five tellers, one for each region.
  5. Each delegation having the right to vote shall receive a single ballot paper bearing the names, in French alphabetical order, of the Member States of the Union which are candidates, grouped into the regions A, B, C, D, and E.
  6. Each delegation should indicate on its ballot paper the Member States it supports by placing an "X" in the box against the names of a maximum of:
    • 8 Member States for region A;
    • 8 Member States for region B;
    • 5 Member States for region C;
    • 13 Member States for region D;
    • 12 Member States for region E.
  7. Ballot papers bearing more than the permitted number of "X" per region shall be considered invalid and shall not be counted for the region or regions concerned. Ballot papers bearing any mark other than an "X" inside a box or any mark whatsoever outside the boxes shall be considered invalid and shall not be counted.
  8. After the votes are counted, the secretariat shall draw up a list of the candidate Member States in each region in decreasing order of the number of votes obtained. This list, after verification by the tellers, shall be presented to the chairman of the conference.
  9. The following shall be declared elected to the Council:
    • the 8 Member States having obtained the most votes for region A;
    • the 8 Member States having obtained the most votes for region B;
    • the 5 Member States having obtained the most votes for region C;
    • the 13 Member States having obtained the most votes for region D;
    • the 12 Member States having obtained the most votes for region E.
  10. If, for any region, several Member States tie for the last seat or seats, a special ballot shall be taken at an interval not earlier than six hours after the announcement of the results, in order to decide between those Member States.
  11. If there is a tie after a special ballot, the chairman shall draw lots to determine the Member State or States to be declared elected.


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Updated : 2002-09-26