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Home : ITU Plenipotentiary Conference : PP-02
Policy Statement — Suriname

Statement of Suriname
by the Minister of Transport, Communications
and Tourism of the Republic of Suriname
H.E. Guno Castelen


Your Excellencies;
Secretary General of the ITU; Mr. Yoshio Utsumi,
Chairman of the Conference
Distinguished delegates to the Plenipotentiary Conference 2002;
Distinguished members of the ITU;
Ladies and Gentlemen;

On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Suriname, it is indeed a great honor and pleasure for me to be part of the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2002, held here in Marrakesh, Morocco. I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Kingdom of Morocco, as the host of this 16th Plenipotentiary Conference, as well as express my sincere gratitude for its warm hospitality.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today's Global Telecommunication Society is facing the technological evolution of the telecommunication infrastructure, integration, and convergence of networks and services, as well as the explosive growth of the Internet.

In order to cope with these major changes, the Government of the Republic of Suriname has begun the process to restructure its telecommunication sector.

Liberalization is not a goal, but must be seen as a means, a vehicle, a tool, to improve quality services in an effective, efficient, accountable and affordable way through increased competition and transparency. This tool is not effective if the environment is not proper. By this we refer to good legislation, good regulation and rules, all this together with a proper working Regulator, functioning as a referee on a level playing field for all the players.

In our endeavor to create the right competitive environment we have drafted a new telecommunications act that will be submitted to the National Assembly.

Suriname recognizes the importance of telecommunications as a driver of economic development, and a tool to establish closer integration with the regional and global society. With its well-educated workforce, Suriname is in the process of making the transition to a service and knowledge based society. Upgrading the telecommunications infrastructure in urban as well as in rural areas is central to this vision. Our focus is also on expanding services rendered, and maximizing investments, and the use of capital.

Suriname has achieved a teledensity of 39,5% Mobile and POTS by the beginning of August 2002. In order to further increase the teledensity, we are presently in the process of expanding our network by implementing fiber optics in our suburban area. We are also continuing the digitalization of our network.

Appropriate modern technology installed in specific suitable areas will form part of the national system, and will improve the ability of Suriname to provide telecommunications throughout the entire country. However, the absence of funds necessary for implementing this project is the major obstacle.

Suriname is in line with the above mentioned important strategic choices. Placing emphasis on social inclusion-gender, youth, elder and differently abled among others and the use of telecenters in urban and rural areas.

In this manner Suriname can meet the rapidly growing needs of its inhabitants to the benefits of national socio-economic development.


Ladies and Gentlemen,

The immense growth of the mobile telecommunications services and the Internet worldwide indicates their great potentials.

These potentials should be transferred into opportunities via national and international agendas and strategies to manage the migration to a knowledge-based society. This will position us to develop and obtain knowledge to combat poverty, illiteracy and epidemics, as well as to strengthen democracy, generate prosperity, and fulfill human potentials in a sustainable and equitable manner.

We have to bear in mind however, the importance of access to basic telecommunication facilities, which is required before the benefits of the Information Society can flow to everyone.

Creating digital opportunities for everyone will lie in our ability to work together in formal or informal partnerships and alliances, thus join forces with other multilateral and or regional organizations. The ITU with its expertise, experience and strength should therefore take the leading role, thus increasing its flexibility and activities. The Government of Suriname has always been a staunch supporter of the ITU, because of its pivotal role in furthering telecommunications worldwide. Its specific emphasis on the developing countries worldwide and also for the Caribbean region as a whole has reaped many benefits and we feel that this Union will succeed in having a catalytic role to close the digital divide. It is therefore that the Republic of Suriname would like to join with other nations in contribution to that end by being elected to the Council of the ITU as only Caricom member state to represent this region with its special features.


Distinguished delegates,

As known the Caricom member states have the tradition to rotate their representation in the ITU Council. Trinidad & Tobago was our first candidate but decided to withdraw their candidacy and Suriname will represent the region so the region can continue contributing to the vision, mission and the spirit of our outstanding organization, the ITU.

Finally, I feel that the time has come for all of us to sit together and discuss the problems faced by all nations, especially the developing countries. I believe that there may be differences of opinions, and therefore it is important for us to listen to each other, and to work together in order to reach a conclusion that is reflective of the needs and conditions of all our people.

Thank You.


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